Notes From The Diary Of Boo Radley, Volume 2-Page Twenty Five - TopicsExpress


Notes From The Diary Of Boo Radley, Volume 2-Page Twenty Five Dear readers, it seems as if each day brings more and more adventure. I am hesitant to include it all, as you may become fatigued with the length of my musings, so I shall try to be brief. Firstly, I met yet another amiable canine at the meadow today. He was a portly old gentleman who put me in mind of the grumpy old one. I have been missing he and the little yellow one as of late, which might explain the feeling of good will I felt toward the floppy eared male at the meadow. He did little beside lay on his back and soak up what little sun was available, even though I offered him a friendly sniff. After we left the meadow, my person and I left Lola at home and rode in the wagon to the Canine Mastery female. You shall never guess who was there, lying in wait to usurp my place in my persons heart... THE TALL ONE! I thought I was rid of her forever, and yet there she was, with that ridiculous tongue hanging out and her tail beating against the ground. My person exited the wagon and tore my heart out of my very breast as she ran to the tall one and allowed her to jump up and embrace her. I confess, dear readers, I was crushed until I noticed the female person standing behind the tall one. I could not believe it. The tall one has established her own kingdom, with her own person, and is now a QUEEN! All my jealousy was for naught. She had no designs on my person-she was merely hunting for her own fiefdom. Oh what I trick I have played upon myself these many days, imagining threats where there were none. The Canine Mastery female was in fighting form, and defeated a tiny little black prince in battle quite handily. Foolish little creature, you cannot disrespect a mighty warrior without paying a price! She and I agreed to save our battles for another day, and I cannot but think it was due to her observation of my superior skills in evening games. The sky began to drop water upon us, and I must confess this dampened my spirits, yet I continued through the games, side by side with the tall one, until all persons and dogs were soaked through to the bone. As if this was not enough adventure for one day, the Canine Mastery female produced a little brown and black striped female canine, and deposited her IN OUR WAGON! Yes, it is true. The timid little creature is now a subject of my castle. I have not determined if she is a sojourner or truly a new resident of the kingdom. This will require further study. As of now, I am quite spent and must rest my weary bones. Perhaps the morrow will bring a much-deserved day of napping and Binkies, with no new adventures whatsoever. Yours hopefully, Boo Radley
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 04:59:10 +0000

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