Nothing can be more timely than this call for Dr. Uche Ohafia Uche - TopicsExpress


Nothing can be more timely than this call for Dr. Uche Ohafia Uche to vie for the elected position of a Senator representing Abia North Senatorial District. One does not need a clairvoyant to tutor him that in Ohafia and its environs, Dr. Uche Ohafia Uche is a veritable material for the post. Not unnecessarily ambitious and power drunk, his response to the wellmeaning stakeholders call for him to serve that he is not willing to compete against his fellow Ohafia man and that if, after searching their innermost part of their subconsciousness, the stakeholders can find a worthier indegene, he will support the person with his widows mite all for the progress of the society and if there is no other person, he is willing to serve is a testimony that this man is the political messiah we are clamouring for. An epithome of Oh...afia culture and tradition, very humble and humane, a recognised industrialist and a generator of emplohyment for his people, a philantrophist per excellent, a grassroot man and a socialite, Uche Ohafia Uche, has become a house-hold name for Ohafians and I have no reason whatsoever that if he is eventually fielded, the generalilty of Ohafians and all lovers of community progress will see it as an avenue to pay him back in his own coin so to speak. I will like to remind us that without all hands being on deck to clear the road for him, the task of seeing him through might be frought with difficulty, politics being what it is. I call on all the well meaning of our land, to stand up, come out for there is a lot of work to be done. The war dance is about to start beating. Ohafia Kwe nu, Ohafia Kwezue nu.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 16:12:48 +0000

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