Nothing, ever takes those who pray by surprise, but all things - TopicsExpress


Nothing, ever takes those who pray by surprise, but all things have a way to impose Gods reference. It hit home early today as a hard bang in my heart, when Molua decease was announced. It was just when I get up for fellowship with heaven. I turn to the king, and ask, what again? Then He said, brace for contact. It is still showers, there is a pouring! Pray, pray, pray. Then as I prayed, it became evident how hard it is to see the same prophesies play out. We have seen some activities around this brother, but it was not close to call it home. But The Lord knows what to save first and what to deal with later. Bro, you too will be able to see what this is all about, but only that you can no more speak to the living. Adieu, Moluuuu. We gave you all kind of names and you answer all as they come. No name was too ugly for you. But you, the stage is get finished. It is easy to hear from The Lord and prophesy, but not always easy to know how the prophesy will play down and to take it when it starts coming. But we can understand the trend of things spiritually. Dont be distracted my brethren. No, dont be! When the angels of Christ are forcing Gods purpose on earth, there is a pressure push, from the third heavens, through the second where the horde of evil gather. Every tree that is not firmly rooted in the first heavens, that is the sky earth, are the first to respond. Our brother is found in the middle of a cross fire, but the bullet is for another. It has been fended in prayers. But, there is a big fall. When that comes down, all will sigh in relieve. Oh, some days last week, I get up and this sharp pain thrust my heart as i interceded for that small village. Then I ask, what is so special about Soppo? But dont be fooled, evil always strive to plant itself where The Lord has Destined to bring forth great fruits of life. In the end, The Lord will root it out, and life will ensue. Soppo, Brace for contact. These are not my words. Last week I was in the spirit and engaged in one of the fierce spiritual warfare. It was to bring down a tree and plant another. But strange enough, it was easier to do, than I thought. She will fall. Remove the plug from your ears and hear me. Hear this time She will fall. Dont be so naive, and shout not me. Of course not you because you read this and know at least, it is coming and drawing close. Oh, if only we will abandon all the fetish tradition, that is where the next youth is always chosen for the next call. But this time, it will different. Some will not even have appetite for the food. But, The Lord will reign. If only, you know what greatness The Lord has planted in that small village. I see very significant seeds growing out. There was a need to raise a prayer generation. Thus it is set, and the times are near. There will be exactly 8 weeks, when the weather will take a full force. We may not be very precise in relating eternity into time, but it is something like around that. The call here is no more of precision, but of prayers. Start now. Good news! There already a work to install the lights in the spirit. In the open of next year, there will be the usual crusades that always takes place in the village Center. There will a great campaign of light on the way. The road to likoko will be tarred somehow soon. There will be a mighty move of youthful influence in the village... Just a tip of much to come! Hold on, the night will not be too long. Moluuuu! We will get over it!
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 01:09:33 +0000

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