Nothing in this Book is True, But its Exactly How Things Are - TopicsExpress


Nothing in this Book is True, But its Exactly How Things Are Written by Bob Frissell I am very pleased to announce the release of my new book, the 15th Anniversary Edition of Nothing In This Book Is True, But Its Exactly How Things Are. Since you are already on a spiritual path, my new book will give you information, tools, and insights to enhance your understanding of your true nature and your purpose here on Earth. If you are looking for a big picture understanding of whats going on in these accelerated times, I offer valuable and timely information and perspective as seen from the viewpoint of various indigenous peoples and Ascended Masters. If you are looking to connect with your Higher Self , I offer a 100% reliable method for making and achieving lasting contact. By teaching The Breath of Life for thirty years and the Flower of Life for the past nineteen years to many thousands of students, I have developed tools and information to support your spiritual growth and to keep you on the fast track in these amazing times. When these tools are properly understood and utilized, the quality of your life will be transformed beyond your wildest imagination! My book contains these tools and information. For those of you who have read the earlier editions of Nothing In This Book Is True, But Its Exactly How Things Are , you will find this 15th Anniversary Edition to be loaded with new and timely information on prophecies, the Unity Consciousness Grid, healing, and Higher Self connection. This book is a source for clearing confusion and calming fears, while offering useful and practical tools and information that inspire hope for our extremely positive future, as we rapidly approach the shift of the ages. Your autographed copy is available now. Introduction to the 15th Anniversary Edition For thirteen thousand years we have been in separation. We see everything as polarized-as good or bad, up or down, hot or cold. We judge everything that happens. The very act of judgment keeps us in this mode of perceiving. As an example of this separate way of looking at life, if your body gets cold you think of a fire or a heater; you think of something outside yourself. This has led to our increasing dependence on technology. We have missed the fact that the more technologically advanced we are, the more ignorant we are becoming. We are increasingly separated from the One Spirit and we are weakening. We become weaker when we keep giving away our power to technology-that is, to external objects. We then become dependent upon these objects and soon get to the point where we cant do anything for ourselves. We also become habituated to seeking and obeying outside authority. Oneness does not understand this. It doesnt know what needing anything means. Aboriginals and other indigenous people do not know what need means; whatever they need just appears because they are in harmony with Nature. The Hopis dont even have words for anything outside themselves. They would speak, for example, of a bird that is perched on a tree branch that is within them. We have stepped outside this balance, and at this moment, we are learning how to step back in. If we really knew, we could just think the thought warm and it is so. We have the capability of changing anything in the reality from within. (I use the reality to refer to the outer world, including life situations, circumstances, etc.) Many of us feel that we are just a person with no power and no say regarding how things are in creation. The larger truth is that we can change anything in our environment under certain circumstances-when we are in Unity and not in separation. The Spirit of God can move right through you. The left brain , the logical side of us, does not know Unity. It sees division and separation everywhere, and it gets no relief from the one source it would logically look to, religion. It needs to see beyond any doubt that separation is an illusion. It needs to know that the reality is One. In these pages I will be showing the universal language of sacred geometry to the left brain to demonstrate that there is only One Spirit moving through everything-there is only one creation pattern , only one law moving through all things. When the mind truly sees this, a relaxation occurs. The corpus callosum opens up and communication takes place between both sides of the brain. Things can begin to happen at this point that you yourself would not allow until you were certain that there is only Oneness. Sixteen thousand years ago we violated galactic law. We were on a very high level of awareness at the time, far beyond where we are now, but by committing a certain illegal act we fell many dimensional levels until we landed in this dense aspect of the reality. We stopped breathing in the manner we formerly utilized, causing the prana or life force energy to bypass the pineal gland, the direct result of which is separation. We now experience ourselves as inside a body looking out at a world that is not us. There are no accidents, however. In the cosmic scheme of things, this fall was necessary in order to allow for a greater possibility. We are now about to leave this place. The whole world is. We have only a short time left before we will no longer be in separation. This is not going to be happening someday, it is happening now. Perhaps youre among those who have always felt that we are headed somewhere. But you may not know that the speed at which were evolving is unheard of in the universe, thanks to a wildly successful interplanetary experiment done in 1972. These adventures in other-dimensional reality are coming to fruition here on Earth right now! What follows is an account of our planetary ascent into higher consciousness , a big-screen view of the Earth drama as seen from the viewpoint of various indigenous peoples, Ascended Masters, and a walk-in from the thirteenth dimension, Drunvalo Melchizedek. Much has happened in the fifteen years since this book first went to press, so it has been updated, expanded, and revised to include the very latest from Drunvalo, the Mayans, the Hopis, and from Mother Earth herself. bobfrissell/book-nothing.php
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 03:19:13 +0000

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