Nothing makes sense anymore. There is mischief afoot in this - TopicsExpress


Nothing makes sense anymore. There is mischief afoot in this place, – the High Priest, Zari and Abishai, – these three have used me for their own ends. This was not our plan.” Judas paused in thought. “I must save Him Eliphaz. I got Him into this, and I must get Him out of it.” He saw Zari in the antechamber of the hall, – he walked in to meet him. “Zari, this was not our agreement. he began. “Plans change, Judas.” I never planned to send him to His death!” Judas screamed. “You must do what you can to save Him. He must not be taken to Pilate!” “You are not in a position to dictate to us my friend. You were well paid in silver, were you not?” Zari asked smiling mischievously. Taken aback momentarily but Judas quickly recovered his voice; “I will not sell Him for all the silver in the Temple!” “Why then, did you take the money?” “It was merely a token, – it was not a price tag.” “Semantics, my friend, Zari said. “You can call it what you like, but it is this simple, – you had something we wanted and we had something you wanted, – you gave us Yeshua and we gave you thirty silver coins. A generous offer on our part, if you asked me.” The mocking smile was still on his face. “Here, take your money, – all of it! I do not want it! Judas said. “Release Yeshua, I have betrayed an innocent man!” “Too late, my dear friend. It cannot be undone.” Zari said coldly. As he spoke, Judas saw armed men leading a bound Yeshua out of the hall on their way to the Roman Governor, Pilate. “Here, have your money Zari!” he protested vehemently, and then his voice was pleading. He threw the purse at Zari’s feet and the silver coins spilled out, tinkling as they rolled on the marble floor. “If you will not help me, I will help myself!” Judas said, pulling out a dagger from under his cloak. He ran towards the armed escort. “Let Him go!” he screamed. “He is innocent!” As he ran towards them, he saw Abishai in their midst. Judas aimed for him, – his hand flashed upwards with the speed of a striking snake, the glint of the steel blade in the night air chilled Abishai’s heart with terror. Driven with cold brutal force, the dagger tore into the base of his neck. A huge sheet of red clouded Abishai’s vision, a lancinating pain splintered his senses, as warm red blood spurted from the gash like a fountain. He felt rather than saw the second blow descend, as Judas, in one swift move, slashed his throat, slicing through his windpipe. Abishai clutched at his neck as he tried to speak but only a gurgling sound came. Two guards ran towards Abishai to help him. Judas had moved a few paces forward, nimbly avoiding one guard and stabbing the other in the chest. He grabbed the chain around the wrist of the Nazarene and tugged firmly. Yeshua staggered forward but kept His footing. “Run Yeshua! Run!” Judas screamed. He let go of the chain and urged Him on with his hand in a frantic gesture. But the Nazarene stood still. He looked straight at Judas, his lipline widening in a slight smile. A cry rose up from the two guards and was echoed by the crowd. “He has killed a ruler of Israel!” Judas was in a daze. He heard the cry as if it came from afar. His pleading eyes were fixed on Yeshua’s face. He cursed his fate. He would never have the chance to explain his motives to Him. Yeshua looked at Judas with compassion and love in His eyes. This broke his heart even more. He loves me still, but how do I forgive myself for what I have done, he thought? He dropped the bloodied knife and ran, as armed men approached to arrest him. He ran as fast and as hard as he could into the darkness, and into the cover of the night. -JUDAS OF KERIOTH TETELESTAI, A Novel.
Posted on: Mon, 20 Jan 2014 20:24:44 +0000

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