Nothing new this morning. Harding had a quiet night. They are - TopicsExpress


Nothing new this morning. Harding had a quiet night. They are calling the event last night a cardiac arrest because his heart suddenly slowed in its functioning, but it never stopped. Still no answer as to what caused the cardiac arrest, but they are meeting this afternoon as an entire department to hopefully come up with an answer. They have him on the ventilator again, sedated and paralyzed, on a cooling blanket to keep his body and brain cool to avoid brain damage should the event happen again, hooked up to an EEG machine (lots and lots of wires glued all over his head), and on a lot of medications. Its much harder seeing him in this state than it has been yet. Tom and I are okay, but still recovering from the shock. We had left for night and were in the car on the way home when we got the call to come back. It was the most scared weve been, and when we arrived on the floor where his room is we were met by the chaplain of the hospital. We both thought he was dead. It is the absolute worst feeling in the entire world to think your child is dead. I still feel sick from that moment. Then when we went back to his room it was packed full of nurses and doctors, and we couldnt get in to see him. No one would tell us whether or not he was okay. Finally they let us through and he looked so pale and fragile. It was such a terrible experience and not one we ever want to go through again. The doctors say he will be in this sedated, paralyzed state for 48hrs from last night when they started him on everything. They seem to be optimistic that there will be no long term effects from his cardiac arrest. They also said they caught it early and it was a relatively short event, so that bodes well for him too. We are just thankful that God had the nurses in the room when it started happening and the whole CICU team handled the event so well. God saved our sons life once again, and for that we are so thankful. We are thankful for our family who instantly surrounded us with support and filled every need we had last night and continue to have throughout the day. We are thankful for the immediate prayers for Hardy from the hundreds of people we know and dont know. God is a good Father, and continues to be. My flesh and my heart may fail, God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. Psalm 73:26
Posted on: Tue, 17 Jun 2014 16:37:18 +0000

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