Noticing loads of talk about muslims in my news feed .. 99% of it - TopicsExpress


Noticing loads of talk about muslims in my news feed .. 99% of it bad .. Stop reading the sun , the star or any newspaper for that matter , stop believing the bullshit you see on the news & Internet and stop believing the carefully orchestrated protests put on to fuel your fury .. Oh and to the 2 faced hypercritical fools that slag them off 24/7 in the pub then go for a curry and enjoy it .. Do some research , and shake the hand of your neighbour , start showing there is abit of humanity left in this world .. Once hate consumes you your done .. I have lived in many areas that are predominately asian and never much bother , i move to an area predominately white and have had more grief off chaved up parents of chaved up kids than i have had in my life .. Its about self education because schools aint going to teach you nowt about real life .. Now I almost deleted this status as i was writing it because it may offend a friend or 2 .. But thought sod it .. Ive had my fair share of fights and arguments with asians in my past but it wasnt because they were asian , it was pure and simply because they were arseholes , the same asreholes you find in every walk of life .. White, black , green, pink or yellow.. Your not around for long so live your life right wether you believe in the most high or not .. Some really dont realise how lucky they are to get up in the morning and see their kids and what theyve created .. The old saying cant see the wood for the trees .. Dont become an arsehole and fall foul of media .. Its the biggest tool of deception on the planet ..
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 20:20:06 +0000

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