Nov. 21, 2014 A New Cold War by TW News & Prophecy In a - TopicsExpress


Nov. 21, 2014 A New Cold War by TW News & Prophecy In a recent interview, the Soviet Union’s former premier Mikhail Gorbachev warned “The world is on the brink of a new Cold War. Some are even saying that it has already begun” (Agence France-Presse, November 8, 2014). He cautioned, “Let us remember that there can be no security in Europe without German-Russian partnership” (ibid). In addition to the escalating situation in the Ukraine (UPI, November 12, 2014), Russian military presence is increasing around the globe. Last month a Russian submarine was found in waters just outside of Stockholm (Newsweek, October 21, 2014). This followed a simulated Russian missile attack on Stockholm last year (ibid.). In September, Russian bombers and fighters were intercepted by Canadian fighters just 40 nautical miles from the Canadian coast line (Christian Science Monitor, September 20, 2014). Russia has made airspace incursions over Europe in recent months (AFP, October 31, 2014). Russia also “plans to send long-range bombers to the Gulf of Mexico in what appears to be Moscow’s latest provocative maneuver in its increasingly frosty relations with the West” (CNN, November 13, 2014). The growing tension between the East and West could lead to the fulfillment of major Bible prophecies. Yahshua Messiah warned that one of the signs of the end of the age would be “wars and rumors of wars” (Matthew 24:6). Russia’s increasingly aggressive activities could push Germany and Europe to increase their military capability. In a recent meeting, German Chancellor Angela Merkel insinuated that Russia was working to take back its former Soviet satellites (The New York Times, November 17, 2014). More Rumors of Wars! “North Korea threatened Thursday to bolster its war capability and conduct a fourth nuclear test to cope with what it calls U.S. hostility that led to the approval of a landmark U.N. resolution on its human rights violations… to refer the North’s rights situation to the International Criminal Court” which could lead to North Korea’s absolute leader Kim Jong Un being targeted as a criminal in the coming weeks (Reuters, November 20, 2014). Experts believe that North Korea is bluffing, but, North Korea is also unpredictable. They already tested nuclear devices in 2006, 2009 and 2013 which have invited previous sanctions (ibid.). This latest threat by North Korea only adds to the increasing polarization between Asia and the West, and Russia and China fall on the side opposite the majority of Western nations. Bible prophecies have long warned that a powerful group of nations referred to as the “kings of the East” will clash with a European Beast power at the very end of the age (Revelation 16:12; Daniel 11:44). These kings will combine forces to muster a 200 million-man army that will fight against the Beast (Revelation 9:13-19). As time goes on, we will see more indications that this alliance in the east is taking root. Scope of Modern Slavery! According to a new survey by The Global Slavery Index, “Nearly 36 million people in 167 surveyed countries live in modern slavery,” which is almost double the estimates of a 2012 survey (The Washington Post, November 18, 2014). The number of enslaved people worldwide is roughly equivalent to the entire population of Argentina or Poland or the Sudan (The Global Slavery Index). Nations that enslave the largest number of people are India (14 million), China (3 million), Pakistan (2 million) and Uzbekistan and Russia (1 million each). Most nations enslave their own people and not foreigners. In Mauritania and Uzbekistan, nearly 4 percent of the population is enslaved. According to the survey, even leading Western nations have a slavery problem: the UK, France, and Germany each have roughly 10,000 slaves and the U.S. has roughly 60,000 (ibid.). Factors that increase the likelihood of slavery include: political instability, lack of human rights protections, poor economic development, historical subjugation of and discrimination against women, and a lack of governmental policies against slavery (ibid.). Powerful government action is required to prevent slavery—something the entire world will finally experience when Yahshua Messiah returns. The prophet Isaiah gives a wonderful vision of this time: “He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound” (61:1). Our Father Abba speed this time!!!
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 16:11:14 +0000

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