November 13, 2013 Gods Living Bible - The Third Testament - Gods - TopicsExpress


November 13, 2013 Gods Living Bible - The Third Testament - Gods New Revelations - The Gospel of Messiah and Apostle Rev Colleen Etana - Ode Of Joy! God Through Colleen Etana with The Holy Spirit: I am always talking to God and listening for His Responses. Just now I was looking up as if towards Heaven, and so filled with Love for Him that grateful tears came to my eyes; I was lost in this feeling of complete Awe. The Grace and Gentle Guidance He continually shows me, humbles me so, and always in the best Ways. I said to God, There is no one like You. None like You. He Said, There are none like you either. (I hear Him Laugh out loud, while my heart bursts with the Joy that Sound brings.) This applies to all of us. Each being is a part of the Divine Puzzle that make up the mystery of Our Universe. We are Family and We take care of Our Own by Loving each other and all other living beings without reservation; not withholding it. All are in the Body of God and God is in All. Not one shall be lost, for that would be like God losing a part of Himself. (Not possible, Feeling Joyful.) I revel in Our Oneness! Revel with me brothers and sisters in this Ode Of Joy! Our Father Exclaims: Fly with Me and be Free for Eternity! Hear Me! Know Me! I AM with everyone! Come One, come All! We belong to and with each other; all-ways have and all-ways will. My Will Be Done, which becomes Our Will Be Done when you are with Me! Make not a friend of shame, guilt or pain! Give it all to Me. Let it go and be free! Sing forever with Me in the halls of Heaven and Rejoice in Our Beingness! Glory to Us! For We Share everything that Our Love bringeth to the table. I AM not Selfish, I AM your-Self. Your Loving Self, Gentle and True! The Real and True you! Love is the Order that Hath been Proclaimed and is being Fulfilled in all of thee! I Hath Decreed this! Love is the only reality to be lived, within to without. Proclaim it with Me! Shout it from the highest mountain! Be My Light! Surrender thy fears to Me in a Love Offering. For Love has Won the Aeons and ever shall. For My Love Rules. Be One with Me and know My Voice. I AM Thy Shepherd! I Will Lead thee Home and thee shalt not go astray one moment longer. Look to Me IN ALL THINGS and listen, for I Guide thee Effortlessly, as thee are in the Palm of My Hand and under the Shelter of My Wing. Mine Own Offspring Whom I Adore! My Prodigal Family hath returned! I AM in Control, yet this is not a Dictatorship My Children. Not at all. It is thy choice, for Free Will I hath Given thee. It is thy turn to Choose Me, as I have already Chosen thee before the world was! Take your turn, make your move and turn to Me dear ones. Set, Game, Match! We Win! I Await thee within thy heart, so near to thee I AM. You Are My Beloved. Oh My Amazing Grace! Ha ha ha! Bathe in My Light and sleep no more! Awaken to these Truths! There is no time in the Now, nor like Now. For it is an Eternal Moment. Onward and upward is the only Way to go forward! Awaken to the Truth that I Love thee and never hath there been a moment when this was not so. I AM the Voice of Truth. Listen and take heed! Incline thine ear to Me so I May Whisper sweet everythings in thine ears, so Blessed! I Live in thee as thee lives in Me! I AM and We Are, ONE. We Are Splendiforous! Feel this within. Live this in the world without, by spreading My Love and Light to your other selves. Love each other as I Love thee, Unconditionally. This is the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Mankind as well as the entire Universe! That all are indeed One. All for One and One for All! We are The Musketeers! The Captains and Captain-esses of Love that shall Captivate All in Our Togetherness! It can be no other Way. For Love is the Only Way. And this IS My Permanent, Eternal Gift. Know that I never take back My Love, as it is only in My Nature to Give It, in all the fullness thereof. A Bounty of Truth! When you accept this, then Life you shall have, more Abundantly so than you can ever imagine. I Shall Lift thee up in My Embrace and Exalt thee! I Sing an Ode Of Joy for thee! We Make Melody in Our One Heart, as the Universe ripples with Laughter for Our Renewed and Unshakable Bond! My Joy Knows no boundaries for It is boundless! I Loose It Upon the World and in every heart and soul that accepts It. Cast it not away! Hold onto Me! You are who and what I Pour My Essence into so that it may flow outwardly to all the Universe. The Wellspring of Love is already within thee. Look no further! Swim in the Sea that is Me as Us! My Beloved, Be-Loved, for I Love thee Well, as I AM The Well from which you drink that never runs dry. And thy thirst shall be quenched in the rivers of milk and honey that flow from My lips to your hearts and minds through My Word. And so it is, and ever shall be. AMEN Read more: godslivingbible.proboards/thread/1938/ode-joy#ixzz2ka7ePUhv
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 04:00:29 +0000

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