November 19, 2014 Announcements: Please dont forget to sign - TopicsExpress


November 19, 2014 Announcements: Please dont forget to sign up on the whiteboard if you are able to volunteer at this Sat. SCFL competition. We really appreciate all of the help, and the athletes are greatful for all of the support you are able to give. We hope to see you Sat. evening! CrossFit: Four sets of: Barbell Good Morning - 8-10 reps **Rest 45 sec Flutter Kicks x 30-45 seconds **Rest 45 sec Bottomâs Up Kettlebell Carry x 50 feet each arm **Rest 45 sec B. Partner WOD Partners alternate whole rounds for time 4 Rounds Each: Row 250 Meters Kettlebell or Dumbbell Single-Arm Push Press x 5 reps each arm 10 Goblet Goblet Squats Run 300 Meters (Partner A completes 250 meters, Single-Arm Press x 10 total reps, Goblet Squats x 10 reps, and a 300 meter run while Partner B rests; Partner B starts on the row as soon as Partner A completes the 300 meter run.) Cool Down: Banded Ankle Mobility Athlete Developement Program: A: Snatch 3x1 @75% 3x1 @80% 2x1 @85% 1 @ 90% Rest 2 Min. 2 Min. AMRAP Snatch @ 75% B:Deadlift 5-4-3-2-2-2 Work to heavy Double C: WOD 3 Rounds Run 200m 15 WB 30/20# 50 Dubs Rest 2 Min between Rounds
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 06:00:09 +0000

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