November 27 - Trevs holding the fort this evening so were assured - TopicsExpress


November 27 - Trevs holding the fort this evening so were assured of plenty of country. With Chris R and Robbie supporting, it was just like old times. Dan is looking after the board and keeping everything in balance while Dave is away and thats cool too. So, with a good opening from Trev and the boys, it was over to Elise. Now I must report that, yeah, its a front bar and all, but I reckon the chatter was over the top last night! Looking around to thump some drunks or schoolies an all I could see was musos. Come on guys keep it down a bit. Anyway, Elise did a ripper set and finished on a gem. Very pleased to see Marcus on the program. Hes checking out the joint for a return bout in a couple of weeks. Meanwhile, Bowie, Byrne, its all the same with Marcus - bloody brilliant! Oh, and while were at it, next on the program was Howard. This blokes got the goods in so many areas - again, brilliant. Im hoping that Anthony gets sorted with the various jobs hes been mired in. He should get back to being the regular that he used to be, we miss those classic Aussie and other rockers tho he teased a little with us this week. Heather was top of her game last night - straight up songs and quirky rhythms, she seemed to revel in it this week. Having issued some stern warnings, Jac had us cowed - thats Graeme and Trev and me and Robbie. But we were up for it. We paid her back in the 3rd but even so, thought it was pretty good. Beau was in the house with his Dad, Mike. I saw both dancing up a storm at times (not together) and it was great to have Beau back on the mic. Some Stone, Dylan, Church and more - long overdue. See ya next week Beau! Threetles, thats Julie, Gez and Dan and a bunch of Beatles favourites (really), loved em. Now for Mal and the appropriates (I dont think he reads this cos thats a groovy name and hes never thanked me for it). Another high energy (volume) bracket that had the crowd rockin. Really stoked to watch reactions when Mals in flight - so animated. Big shout to Gazzz who arrived a bit late, to Kym Mitchell who didnt bring a horn and CWS Chuck lurking at the back of the room. These fine performers just in for a look. Onya! Our Kim, smiling sweetly as she schmoozed gracefully through a fine selection until she bombed Ian with a surprise Wonderwall. You know, he can get quite agitated when he doesnt like something. Thats wonderful to watch. So finishing with a huge grin Kim handed back to Trev for the close. Top job Trev, well hosted - Im so looking forward to next week. See ya.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 11:07:35 +0000

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