November special 10/$100 Ive been a fitness trainer since 07! - TopicsExpress


November special 10/$100 Ive been a fitness trainer since 07! Rather working for a gym franchise or doing it myself, ive seen and heard it all. I have seen sincere people, unsure people, people who are bullshitters, people who straddle the fence etc. Ive heard all the i cants or its to hard or im not strong enough or the people who say yeah im with it but never follow thru or make it happen. Ive seen suppport given and appreciated and ive seen what you would call haters! Ive seen people who were sick and tired of being sick and tired and i seen people who are a waste of time and attention. All of this since 07! Few reasons or excuses are valid and the proof is in the follow thru but many times its just copouts, people playing games with hidden motives or at best luke warm interest in making changes. All these types come from different areas like here on facebook or Google+ or off the street or by referral of others. Ive seen it, heard it and experienced it. Sometimes all i do is shake my head and other times smile with a heart full of joy. So lets talk about training. I train men and women, ive trained kids and also older people. I have also trained someone disabled which was a true pleasure. See the pictures belows those are women who are in excellent shape with excellent bodies. Many of you desire these body types and have the potential for it. Amongest women the myth/rumor/stereotype/misconception is that lifting weights will have them looking like a man. Therefore in the gym many females dont get their results or meet their potential. I dont wanna lose my breast or my hips or my booty. Will my butt shrink, i like my curves, i dont wanna look like no man etc See the women below! None of them remotely come close to looking like men. They are toned up nicely, firm everywhere and still got curves. Again ladies lifting weights wont have you looking like a man just as doing a ton of cardio and lifting 5lb weights will keep you curvy and feminine. Fact: women problem areas are the arms/stomach/back/lower back/butt/thighs. Fact:when you develop muscle you burn fat fact:cardio alone dont equal fat lose or good weight loss. Fact:how your body shapes up is determined mostly by what goes in your mouth followed by what you do in the gym. Fact lifting heavy weights dont will not destroy your curves or feminine look unless your olympic trainning and on a very strict diet. These women in the pics below all look good in dresses and yoga pants complete with curvy/feminine/toned/firm/strong body. Nothing masculine about them. ITS TIME TO REMOVE THE NONSENSE, THE FEAR AND HEAD GAMES! GET SERIOUS! GET REAL OR GET GONE! THANK YOU!
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 23:18:22 +0000

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