Now I am really pissed off o(`ω´ )o I ordered my - TopicsExpress


Now I am really pissed off o(`ω´ )o I ordered my phone/internet line open for my shop on 24th, it was opened last Sat but no modem,the technician said it would be here on Monday or Tuesday. But didnt ... Then I ringed to Telecom on Monday,they will send ASAP. Maybe I could get Wednesday. On Wednesday,NZ courier texted me would bring on Thursday. I waited them till 4pm but they didnt show up, so I ringed again they said deliver till 5:30pm . Then I waited till 7pm but no one showed up... I ringed yesterday morning asking where is my parcel and they said the driver forgot to deliver on Thursday no reason... They promised they will investigate and tell me what is happened within an hour. I waited their reply till 4pm answer... I ringed again but they said its delivered of course it didnt. I asked to who and where they reply I should check step or back door!!?? I said hey this is a commercial area their is no back or steps please check to the driver. Then they checked to the driver and they found still driver had my parcel!! So I asked when can I get my parcel they said today... Of course I havent got at moment. Then I ringed again and they said it is out of their business hour...they said if I couldnt get today I can call them!!! Please someone tell me when I can get my parcel!!! 凸(`ω´ )o 以上、心の叫びでした…
Posted on: Sat, 05 Apr 2014 04:17:08 +0000

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