Now that I’ve had a some time to think about it….. Here is - TopicsExpress


Now that I’ve had a some time to think about it….. Here is what I’m going to say about Kai Green. Specifically, Kai Green not winning the 2014 Olympia, like he should have. I’ve been watching bodybuilding contests for 40 years. Out of the 100’s of shows I’ve seen, there have only been a scant few instances where there was a travesty so glaring that it will always stand out in my mind. As far as Olympias go, Arnold winning in 85, Bev Francis going from 1st to 2nd at the 1991 Ms. Olympia, Nasser losing to Dorian in 1997, and while not technically a travesty on the order of those above, it is nevertheless a travesty that Flex Wheeler did not win the Olympia in 1998, at least I think so. The 21st Century is also racking up its share travesties, but none, in my opinion, have really hit a 10 on the travesty meter as those I’ve mentioned above. Until now. First, let me tell you that if someone says to you that you can’t tell anything from pictures, it means you’re talking to a moron. Hi-res images shot from the front row, 10 feet away with a $5,000 digital camera, show you more than the judges can see, especially when you zoom in. So, not being able to tell the difference between two bodybuilders by looking at pictures is a bunch of horseshit. And, that’s just if we’re picking nits. This year? Peter Griffin could have shot the show with a kaleidoscope for a lens and gotten a glaring view of what I will call the most unfortunate Olympia in history. It is a foregone conclusion that Phil Heath was off. No one could possibly even attempt to say that he was on. There is just no argument. And, clearly, that’s not the debate. The question is not why Phil won, but rather, why Kai did not. Because clearly he did. And therein lies the rub. It’s what makes this travesty not only so wild, but also so…… unfortunate. But, at least there is a lesson – a strong lesson if you take it that way – to be learned by this, especially for you younger competitors coming up who are faced with “creative” ways of making money while still pursuing your dream. We all might theoretically understand the idea that our actions have consequences, but, however abstract, I think we all would like to believe that there is enough forgiveness in the world to excuse a fellow human being from the unwitting consequences of their actions, especially those of our younger stupider days. He who is not guilty of having made a bad choice in life cast the first stone. But, life is wrought with gray areas, and this is certainly one. While it would seem at least humane to forgive and/or forget, there are, unfortunately, a faction of other fellow human beings who are cut from a different cloth – they revel in making sure no one ever forgets anything and they have the vastness of cyberspace at their fingertips. And then there are those that have a certain tolerance for decorum and moral turpitude that would even rile Queen Elizabeth. And because we have these people it puts at risk the image of certain institutions if bestowed upon a person who either offends or entices them. The conclusion would seem to focus on the idea that there is a certain line below which the title of Mr. Olympia will not be bestowed, and it seems as though we now know where it is. And, unfortunately, it has nothing to do with what is being presented that night on stage. Yes, judging is subjective, but no one can seriously argue that Kai Green’s body shouldn’t be holding up a Sandow right now. At least if this was a body-BUILDING contest. Unfortunately, and this is what makes this travesty unfortunate, it was bred from a travesty – a poor choice, during a tough time, and not having the idea to maybe think it through. That’s what we often don’t do – a fatal flaw in human nature, one of many. At least if Phil had been at least 2012 condition we could all swallow this a little easier. But, because he wasnt we can see this for what it is, and it is…… Unfortunate.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 07:49:20 +0000

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