Now that The Wizards Return is out it is time for me to start on - TopicsExpress


Now that The Wizards Return is out it is time for me to start on my next story. I do have the prologue written for it. It is going to be Knights of Forever book 2. Let me know what you think of the prologue Prologue The dense fog of London was just settling into the harbor district. The dim street lights of the 1890’s were useless once this fog settled. In an alley nearby a man is on his knees next to a body. The man just kept rocking back and forth while repeating over and over, “I can’t believe he left me here? I can’t believe that he left me no way to get back?” He just kept rocking back and forth on his knee while repeating those same statements for the next five minutes. Finally he stopped rocking back and forth and looked across the alley at the dead body that was laying there. To himself he calmly said, “At least he dealt with Aaron. He made my job easier that way. I knew I was going to have to kill him eventually. After all who really wants the man known as Jack the Ripper working for him. Who could really trust such and animal.” The man slowly rose to his feet, walked over to the dead body, bent down and removed the knife that was still grasped in his hand. While doing this he said, “You won’t need this anymore. It might just come in handy in case I have to defend myself in this God forsaken place.” As he stood up he saw another figure, in the fog, a few feet away from him. The figure started getting clearer as the person came closer to the man. As the figure approached the man hid the knife behind his back while grasping the handle so it would be easy for him to use it if he had to. When the figure came closer it was apparent to the man that he was dressed just like him. He wore an identical black uniform. At first he thought to himself, “He has come back to finish the job. I will get him with this knife before he gets a chance to do that.” When the figure got close to him he realized it was not the person he expected. Instead it was a young man in his twenties with blond hair and big blue eyes. As he approached the man he said in a soft voice, “Is everything alright? Can I help you with something? Is that man dead?” The man just looked at him and responded with, “Everything is fine. Yes, he is dead. It seems like he was robbed and murdered by someone. Who are you? Where are you from?” The young man hesitated for a second before responding with, “My name is Andy. I am not from here. How about you where are you from?” The man looked at the uniform that Andy was wearing as he looked at his belt buckle he saw what he was looking for. Inwardly, he smiled. He tightened his grip on the handle of the knife; he was holding behind his back, brought his arm out quickly and drove the knife into the young man’s stomach. Andy was completely taken by surprise all he could do was look at the knife stuck in his stomach in shock. When the man pulled the knife out of Andy he fell to the ground. Once the young man was on the ground the man quickly removed the belt buckle Andy was wearing. Once he did that he looked at Andy and said, “This is what I need to get back to my time. Tell my nephew Nicholas I will be looking for him.” Andy just lay there without saying a word. Instead he brought his left arm up to something behind his left ear, pressed it, and disappeared. The man stood there in shock for a few seconds. Finally he said to himself, “How about that. Obviously, they have come up with a new way to do it. At least I have the unit I need to return to my own time now. That is all that really matters.” The man then grabbed the belt buckle, pressed the lower part of the K on it, watched as a panel open on the top of it. When that was completed he depressed the switch that was exposed to him and he also disappeared.
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 23:01:45 +0000

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