Now the LONG version. LOL! Trying something different….LONG and - TopicsExpress


Now the LONG version. LOL! Trying something different….LONG and SHORT version……THIS ONE is with more detail, for those who have patience to listen. THE OTHER one was for the ‘bad’ PEOPLE. You are the GOOD…..cause you can listen LONGER……SO YOU GET MORE…..LOL! Study Text: (St. Luke 11:5-13) YOU CAN ASK DADDY…FOR ANYTHING! YOU MAY AS WELL TRY. …..ONLY LUKE IS WITH ME. STUDY OF THE GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST, according to ST. LUKE. ……… ……..OKAY, YOU WANT A RED TRUCK FOR CHRISTMAS OR BARBIE DOLL…..THE FATHER SAYS, GLAD YOU ASKED. NOW THAT YOU REALLY WANT SOMETHING……WE CAN NEGOTIATE, and YOU MAY GIVE ME WHAT I WANT………..IT’S A GREAT START TO US BOTH BEING HAPPIER…………..with no fakeness…… Okay……………..WE back on the BIBLE. I’M talking fast now……..THEY saw JESUS praying, waited for HIM to stop, and asked HIM to teach them. He said, OKAY….when you pray say, OUR FATHER WHICH art in heaven. ………………you KNOW THE LORD’S prayer. NOW… know I like to THINK ABOUT GODLY things… much. I eat little by little. I WANT TO SAVOR THE FLAVOR of the WORD like a steak, and get all the NUTRIENTS, INGREDIENTS. So my spirit is like, WHY this LORD. Why that? So after JESUS tells them to say this basic prayer, that I am sure they will get better at, and use more words, and interceding and so much. But right after he says the PRAYER……………then HE does something. HE starts telling them to ASK FOR WHAT THEY WANT. Like the man asking for BREAD for a guest, from his neighbor. JESUS says, the neighbor might say, HEY I’M SLEEPING and my children, but if the man asks long, hard enough, the neighbor gets up and gives the man the bread. Same way HE tells them ASK, RECEIVE….SEEK, FIND…..KNOCK, AND THE DOOR will be opened. Then HE says, if a child ask for a fish, will the earthly father give him a stone. He says even earthly fathers, if possible give their children good gifts. ………..NOW…………….STOP…………THINK…………… ………JESUS just told them a basic prayer, and he follows it with ASK…………so HE’S basically saying, ASK THE FATHER WHATEVER you want. ………….I thought….but so many say DON’T ASK GOD for nothing. Just PRAISE HIM, or THANK HIM…….or pray for others. BUT JESUS with HIS FIRST LESSON ON PRAYING TO THEM…..HE then basically tells them, SO PRAY AND ASK THE FATHER…………….WOW……………….I wondered for a few minutes. Of course ASKING GOD for things isn’t the ONLY reason we pray. OF COURSE WE PRAISE HIM, THANK HIM, and PRAY for others. But what I felt the HOLY SPIRIT was saying was this. ……………..ME…..Jesus Trumpet, Barry……….I’m human. …….I’m a good guy. Not perfect. Not a saint. But a redeemed guy. I can’t really say no when people ask me things. IF I CAN DO WHATEVER it is they want….or give them…whatever I can….I do . Simply because I don’t like nos….and who does. I love to be a guy who GIVES people, and pleases them, makes them happy. AND I AM SIMPLY a redeemed guy. Saved by GOD’S GRACE. But……..DO you know what really gets me. LOL! It’s when people talk to me, for the WRONG reason. They will talk about this, and that. AND BEAT around the bush. ……….AND I DON’T MIND talking. And some don’t want nothing but COMMUNICATION. Others…….MAY WANT SOMETHING, but won’t say it. And it may take them days, months, weeks. But something….their pride, something won’t just COME out and ASK…..and usually IF THEY JUST ASK, ….if I can, I DO…………..FOR THEN I’VE MADE A FRIEND. ………… ……..So I said, SO MANY TIMES, WE HAVE NEEDS, WANTS, DESIRES……..yet, for some DEEP spiritual reason………WE MATURE and feel it’s the MOST CARNAL, evil thing to ASK GOD for something. LOL! So we TRY out best to SERVE HIM and say, WELL, if I’M GOOD ENOUGH…..GOD KNOWS MY HEART….HE’LL GIVE ME. …………but GOD is saying, JESUS is saying, WHY BEAT around the bush. PRAY for others. PRAIS GOD. Be grateful and thankful. BUT BY GOD…..if you’re going to TALK TO GOD….ASK HIM FOR WHAT YOU WANT, NEED……….again….WHY?.............I’m glad you asked. I HATE ….well not hate….but the HARDEST people to NEGOTIATE with are those who DON’T ask for nothing. LOL! They just hope you read they mind and give. Or they are afraid, IF THEY ASK……YOU will then say, OKAY….YOU CAN HAVE IT, BUT YOU gotta do this for me……I NEED something from YOU as well. LOL! So people beat around the bush, and hope. GOD doesn’t mind us ASKING for anything. But YEP….ONCE we ask………..HE probably will say YES…..but what we are going to have to GO through to get what we want…………..heehee…WE don’t want to hear it. YOU WANT TO BE GREAT, GET A HOUSE, CAR, MARRIED, RAISE GODLY CHILDREN, GET A JOB, CAREER, HAVE GOD EASE YOUR PAIN, MONEY……what do YOU REALLY WANT TO ASK GOD? You might as well, ASK. ………… …..Now be prepared AFTER you ask, for HOW HE will tell you, YES….CAUSE yeah, IT MAY REQUIRE something on YOUR PART……………………..BUT…..i am human and I like AMBITIOUS people. AT LEAST I CAN NEGOTIATE with them. I know what they want. I tell them what I want. WE WORK IT OUT….AND WE BOTH BENEFIT. God, I believe is the same. WHEN YOU AT LEAST WANT SOMETHING, AMBITIOUS……then YOU’RE willing to also stay closer to HIM, go through sacrifices, be more obedient, and you will have to use more faith……………………………..FINALLY….GOD got someone who WANTS AND ASKS for something. NOW HE CAN GO INTO COVENANT WITH YOU………before you were just being RELIGIOUS, not really saying YOUR REAL HEART. Now…..YOU’RE BEING REAL. GOD can deal with REAL………………………Okay….you want a RED TRUCK FOR CHRISTMAS, OR BARBIE DOLL…..GLAD you asked. GO CLEAN your room for two months straight. WHEN YOU COME TO GOD ASK….but be prepared to DO as well.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 21:50:35 +0000

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