Now the Lord had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and - TopicsExpress


Now the Lord had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father’s house, unto a land that I will shew thee. Genesis 12:1 TEST OF TRUST BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Isaiah 37-40 BIBLE STUDY: Genesis 12:1-3 In Genesis 12:1-3, God told Abram to pack his bag and baggage and leave town for a place He will show him. A lot of us have read this story but not really grasped what God was asking Abram to do. Imagine for a second, whilst busy at work reading your emails, God told you to go home, pack your bags , pick a bus going out of town and drop at a station He will show you. Ordinarily , people don’t like changing their environment. One thing I dread most is moving house, it takes a week to pack everything , 2 – 3 days to move , another week or two to unpack and rearrange stuffs and forever to settle into the new environment. Asides the fact that God is asking you to move from a familiar environment – friends and family, He is asking you to go to an unknown place. At least if you know the place , you will be able to prepare for the new town. If it is a warm area, you will buy some T-shirts . If it is a cold area, you will buy some sweaters and jumpers. More over you will be able to arrange for an accommodation in advance, but in this case , God is saying leave all - your work, family and friends, support network ,everything familiar to you to a place He will tell you. You agree it is a hard one. This was what God was asking Abram to do. His case was harder because he had to go with his family. In every way we look at it, emotionally , mentally, financially, it wasnt an easy one for Abram. The question is why did’t God tell him the location before leaving .God did this to check if Abram would trust Him with his life and family. He did that to see if Abram would obey His instruction without arguing. God wanted to see if Abram would depend on His word not his knowledge. Because Abram trusted God with his life and family , God gave him seven blessings. Firstly, He made him a great nation. Secondly, He blessed him. Thirdly, He made his name great. Fourthly, He made him a blessing. This is why today we say Abraham’s blessing are ours. Fiftly, He blessed all those that blessed Him. Sixtly , He cursed all those that cursed him and Seventhly, He ensured that through Abram all the nations of the world are blessed. TO PONDER: In our walk with Christ, we will be faced with situations and circumstances that will demand that we trust God’s word with all.Can you trust God’s word with your life and family? Bro Samuel – Reaching the world for Jesus.
Posted on: Fri, 04 Jul 2014 11:53:03 +0000

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