Now, unlike every Christian I know, I don’t particularly like - TopicsExpress


Now, unlike every Christian I know, I don’t particularly like the way our Police force polices. It’s not that in comparison I like thugs and thieves or any other criminal, nor do I desire a society without policing. Look, we all have heard the proud cry of most Police Chief Constables is that they police by ‘public consent.’ Well, the way the force polices nowadays is not with my consent, indeed, the condescending manner of most young constables makes them more of an uncaring cog in the arresting machine than ever before. I think that’s it, I just do not like what the Police have become: A macho arresting machine on the one hand and hard-nosed collectors of indirect taxation on the other. It seems the vestiges of humanity have been removed from the modern police force and been replaced by a 2’6/- Chinese Robocop version of the same. This is due to many things for sure, but let me pick just three or four: First of all, I think the need for arrest targets is a terrible and driving force to be quick to arrest and slow to listen. Secondly, the application of Politically Correct laws is moving ever more toward an anti-Christian anti-Biblical stance. Hate crime officers, and hate crime law has the insidious effect of both limiting free speech and branding people as monsters. The aggressive application of such laws is alienating the police more and more from sensible members of the public. Thirdly, I wonder if stab vests, pepper spray and all the various utility belt accouterments make the police act like cowboys? Look, just the other day I was in Kirkcaldy high street when the back doors of a very large Close Circuit Television Van burst open and four black clothed paramilitaries exited from the rear. They were clothed from head to toe in black, all sporting walkie-talkies on their bulky black stab vests. They wore no helmet’s, and like Russian insurgents in the Ukraine had no insignia bar one: Fife council. That’s right, they were local council employees working for the environment agency! Their job: to watch people on CCTV and issue £80.00 fines to people throwing candy and sweetie wrappers in the ground. When I questioned them on their appearance, their job and their attitude, two of them loomed over me, Police like in their manner, tucking their thumbs inside their stab vest like Dixon of Doc Green. My point is this, dress someone like an overt inhuman authority enforcer, and they will act like one. Fourthly, television series like ‘Cops at Night’ or ‘Cops on the Street’, you know the ones, not only show us the effects of a drunken and drug controlled Saturday night idiot-yob society, but display the inhumanity of overly heavy handed policing. Again, television makes constables ‘Yorkie and Hunter’ look like a couple of Starsky and Hutch wannabes, and they seem to love it. The media is glorifying dont mess with me heavy law enforcement. I wonder if constables are acting out TV macho cop shows? Finally, may I say that I now know two street preachers who have recently been arrested. One of them, an American, was not even listened to. Indeed, the video evidence which proved an accusation of hate crime to be false, was destroyed by the police. Eventually the case was dismissed and an internal investigation is now under way. I say again, as a citizen of this country, the style of modern policing is without my consent. As a follower of Jesus, the increasing anti-Christian bias of the law and its heavy handed inhuman application by constables is an increasing concern to me as well. In my observation, there comes a point when constables cease to be human and turn into an arresting machine, and where what they deem to be any display of resistance is met with the increased force where the accouterments of the waiting utility belt are then quickly brought into play. Is it a job that I would want to do? No. Not at all. However, policing is a job, that’s all, and this job is supposedly carried out by consent. My fear is that this ‘consent’ is of an increasingly intrusive and controlling government and not of the general public. My observation is that the general public just might be losing its respect for the Police and they and their lower beat buddies, are all maybe being seen increasingly as, on the one hand a paramilitary force, and on the other, as bailiff style collectors of unfair, high and indirect taxation.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 07:21:01 +0000

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