Now we’re up to our Long Distance Dedication. This is a letter - TopicsExpress


Now we’re up to our Long Distance Dedication. This is a letter Casey read on the air the weekend of November 6th 1999. It’s about a tragic loss and it comes to us from a teenager in Wisconsin named Wendy. Here’s what she writes: Dear Casey, Back in elementary school I grew up without close friends. Many children in my grade didn’t like me, because I didn’t dress the way they did, and I didn’t like the same thing’s they did. So I became friends with kids younger than me. Of these friends, there was one who stood out from all the rest, a first grader named Bryan. Bryan was the sweetest boy I ever met. He had short bright red hair, lots of freckles, brown eyes and a smile that brought joy to anyone who caught a glimpse of it. We did everything together. We played together at recess, ate lunch together and hung out after school. He was my best and only friend. In the summer of 92 Bryan’s family moved 50 miles away, but we never lost touch. We wrote letters, called each other and sent picture’s and card’s. Then in 1994, when I was twelve and Bryan was eight, tragedy struck. Bryan’s family was coming to visit me and my cousins, when his mom’s car was struck from behind by a pick up truck. Bryan died almost instantly, from massive head injuries. When I went to his wake, I cried like I never had. I remember looking at him in his casket. I thought of the eyes and the smile that I’d never see again. Casey, I’ll never forget Bryan, I think of him every day and every night. So would you please play “Right Here Waiting”? I want Bryan to know that I’m here for him and I know he’s there for me. Love, Wendy. Wendy, here’s your Long Distance Dedication. youtube/watch?v=S_E2EHVxNAE
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 02:39:37 +0000

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