Number 9, number 9, number 9, number 9.... #1: Despite growing - TopicsExpress


Number 9, number 9, number 9, number 9.... #1: Despite growing up in South Texas, going to beaches and swimming pools all the time, I do not know how to swim. #2: Despite growing up in Texas, period, I am not a fan of country or contemporary Christian music. Ive obviously had to put up with both given the environment! #3: I grew up around guys. I was one of the few women in my math classes (computer science classes were more balanced gender-wise) at the university. I can talk to a guy with no problems, but as soon as one asks me out, Im looking for a mouse hole to crawl into and hide. Needless to say, Ive never had a boyfriend. (Beat that, Lucy from BBT!) #4: I learned perhaps 80% of the cuss words I know when I was 4 years old at daycare (not movies or music but from other children my age). I used to cuss worse than a sailor. My parents taught me what the words meant and told me never to use them again, which is where most of you remember me telling you off for cussing in school. After graduating from college, I fell back into cussing, but I try hard to keep it clean on FB and around my friends children. #5: When I was in elementary, the school nurses found out I was allergic to the sun. I would rash up (still do) and get dizzy. They gave my P.E. teachers orders not to allow me participate if I started showing symptoms, which happened all the time. Now you know why Im not so athletic. #6: I take BC pills for a very legitimate medical reason: I suffer from PMDD. This disabling condition has two parts: one part absolute agony (i.e., the two-hour torture) and one part lack of emotional control (i.e., crying for no reason). Before BC, I used to hide in the closet at Victoria College, curled up in pain, and perspired a lake on the carpet while shaking uncontrollably. When I feared someone was going to be using the closet (since this was where the marketing offices promo stuff was located), I used to hide under the large table in the presidents conference room instead. My first attempt at resolving this issue was through Sarafem (or fluoxetine). This dealt with the emotional issues, but it did not deal with the more disabling pain, so I tried BC next. BC does not handle the emotional issues as well, but I fear the anti-depressant caused more harm than good when I was taking it, so I stopped using that altogether. #7: I actually got sent to the principals office a lot in Kindergarten for causing a fuss, so much so that I was one more office visit away from being expelled from school entirely. #8: If I had had my way, I would have majored in art instead of computer science or mathematics as I did. I often call the decision against my heart sacrilege. It was a decision made for survival purposes. Ive since promised myself that if I decide on getting a masters degree, it must be based on what my heart wants, not what someone else thinks I should do. #9: The two reasons the car I bought is red: (1) I was buying it on Valentines Day and what better present to give oneself than a sporty looking red car. (2) Knowing Im not the greatest driver in the world, I wanted it to be red, so everyone saw me and knew to get out of my way.
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 16:24:25 +0000

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