*Numbering Your Days* The clock and the calendar cannot be - TopicsExpress


*Numbering Your Days* The clock and the calendar cannot be managed. Time is given, it is set, it is fixed, and it cannot be increased or decreased by anyone or any force. Every hour is 60 minutes, every day is 24 hours, every week is seven days and every year is 365 or 366 days in a leap year. Presidents, Entrepreneurs, Teachers, cleaners and the unemployed are born into and all live daily within this time. President Goodluck is not entitled to more hours in a day than an office cleaner. Everybody has got 24 hours in a day, so time as a material cannot be managed by anyone because it’s beyond everyone. In fact time is life itself. Our lives are measured by time so having power over your time is having power over your life hence you can choose how long you’ll live and when to die. Obviously, no one can manage time. Time, by clock and calendar is the currency of life. How do I mean? Time is the only resource that every human being has got to exchange for whatever he or she wants in life. Whatever you want in life you must give time for it. If you visit the graveyard, the life of anyone who has passed on is summarized by time, for example Mr. A, 19 something to 2000 and something. That’s the summary of the man’s life, its measured by time. That dead man’s success and achievement or otherwise in life is then stated as what he did during his lifetime. By implication- what he exchanged that time duration for. Time respects no one, favours no one and is impartial. It has nothing to do with your age, gender, location, energy level, education or intelligence. Time is fair to all. A man with the ambition to become a doctor will from the onset exchange his time for the knowledge, skill, education, discipline and the passion required to become a doctor. These are the valuable things, as far as becoming a doctor is concerned, he would need to exchange his time for, to become a doctor. No matter how ambitious you are, no matter how determined you are, your dream would become a mission impossible if you’re not exchanging your time for the requirements of the dream. Time is very precious and fleeting, what you exchange every minute for determines in the long run, the quality and value of your life. That dream house, that dream car that dream vacation all the luxury and wealth you dream about daily will remain just a dream if you don’t transact wisely with your time daily. Be disciplined, daily draw up a to-do list and stick to it as much as possible. If you do this consistently, you will discover you have become more productive and knowledgeable, then your self-worth and esteem would begin to grow. The more you do this the better your quality and after a while, you’ll become more knowledgeable, skillful, creative, confident, self- motivated and inspired. You’ll enjoy your work more and you’ll feel real good about yourself. Make up your mind today to learn something new every day. Stop wasting your time, seize your day and manage yourself better. Your better days are just ahead of you if you make this change. Have a fulfilled week and a great monday!
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 06:09:18 +0000

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