Nutrition update: Ditch the coffee, have a cuppa warm lemon juice - TopicsExpress


Nutrition update: Ditch the coffee, have a cuppa warm lemon juice (with honey) to start the day After reading some articles on why I should drink warm lemon juice with honey, I decided to try it out for the past few days and I must say, my body feels slightly different. Maybe it is just a placebo effect, but I seem to feel "lighter" and more energetic and my complexion seems to have improved. Well, no harm drinking a cuppa warm lemon juice with honey in the morning right? Anyway, here are some of the reasons why you should do so:* 1. Alkalizing in Nature Human body performs best when it’s more alkaline (cancer cells tend to breed in an acidic body). Lemon although being an acidic fruit acts as an alkalizing agent when it enters human body and lowers the acid levels. Due to the foods we eat and things our skin is exposed to and the environment we are living in most of the people have very acidic body and lemon water helps decrease the pH. 2. Source of Vitamins and Minerals Lemon is vitamin rich with vitamin C (anti-oxidant, anti-bacterial, & helps immune system), vitamin B (energy production), riboflavin (tissue repair, growth and development) and minerals like calcium, phosphorus, magnesium (all these minerals help build strong bones & teeth) can be your best companion throughout the day. 3. Helps Liver Eliminate Toxins and Waste Products Liver is responsible to detoxify, protein synthesize and production of bio chemicals of help our body in proper digestion. Lemon water helps the liver carrying out all these functions more efficiently as it increases the liver detoxifying enzymes. Being diuretic, lemon increases rate of urination which also helps in purifying. 4. Cheap Anti-Aging Remedy Lemon helps removing wrinkles and improving the allover appearance of your skin. Your skin can’t look healthy if your body if holding too much toxins and since lemon water fight that, you’ll get a clear glowing skin. Also lemon contains citric acid which helps fighting acne. In short a cup of lemon can be your cheap home remedy for glowing skin & removing wrinkles 5. Good for Weight Loss Liver slows down the metabolism when its full of toxins and waste products which leads us to more fat in our body. Lemon helps liver eliminating all those waste products and help burn fat faster. Lemon cannot do it all alone but it can Help and most effective way is doing this with eating real food and exercise. Also being high in pectin fiber it helps hunger carvings. 6. Relieves Respiratory Problems & Freshens Breath Lemon water helps get rid of chest infections and halt those pesky coughs. It’s thought to be helpful to people with asthma and allergies. Lemon also helps freshens your breathing and also helps relieve tooth pain and gingivitis, although being high on citric acid it can harm your tooth enamel so be careful with that. 7. Last but not least, it helps kick the coffee habit: After taking a glass of warm lemon water, most people suggests of less craving for coffee in the morning. Why it has to be warm water not cold? Cold water likely provides a shock or stress factor to the body. It takes energy for your body to process cold water. The recipe is really simple - a cup of warm water (not hot) and the juice from half of a lemon. Add natural honey (which has no sugar in it) to lessen the sour taste. Hope that helps kick start your morning tomorrow. *source:
Posted on: Mon, 02 Sep 2013 06:43:09 +0000

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