“O Lord my God, I cried out to You, and You healed me.” Psalm - TopicsExpress


“O Lord my God, I cried out to You, and You healed me.” Psalm 30:2 (NKJV) Our God is a healer. He is the “Great Physician,” and this means spiritual and emotional healing, not just physical healing. I won’t assume that all of you have suffered through the death of a brother, a brain tumor, cancer, or clinical depression. These are my bag of troubles and woes. However, I am pretty certain everyone has (or will) come to know the pain of heartbreak. Many different circumstances cause such a malady, but one common side affect is agony. The level of torment will vary, but the discomfort it causes is one we can all relate to, empathize with, and comprehend. Jesus was a man of sorrows and well acquainted with grief. Our God is not without understanding either, for surely His heart broke when He witnessed the death of His only begotten Son. So why? Why must we experience pain and broken hearts? Why would a loving God cause or even permit His beloved children to experience the sorrow of heartache? Could it be because He loves us? Is it not possible that a broken heart is produced for the soul purpose of breaking down our self-will? A surrender of self would cause a believer to lean all the more on God. 1 Peter 5:7 tell us to cast all of our anxieties and cares to God, for He cares for us. Our heavenly Father wants to take on our worries. In addition, Philippians 4:19 reminds us that God will provide for our every need. He is the “Great Provider.” God wants to furnish us with all we require. When we are too self-reliant, we take God out of the picture. However, if we are suddenly faced with impossible odds, a cry out to the heavens is often our response. Tribulation is one way God gets our attention. Sadly, it takes affliction for many of us to notice Him. So, affliction is allowed to enter our lives, permitting an open door for pain and heartache to pass through. It is only after these “guests” have entered our home that we truly experience the blessing of Gods miraculous healing. The one we love may die, so where is this healing? Why didn’t our beloved recover? God sees the whole picture at such times and His number one goal is to save souls from eternal damnation. He looks for opportunities to bring all men to their knees, hoping they repent of their evil ways. He wants every one of His children to acknowledge the redemptive power found only through His Son, Jesus Christ. Therefore, if the one we love must suffer or die, breaking our hearts in the process, God has allowed it for some greater good. One death is able to produce a full harvest of repentant sinners. Is this not what every Christian should long for and desire; Even if it means loss and the pain of a broken heart? The comfort we can walk away with is the knowledge that God will faithfully heal all wounds and broken hearts, if we let Him. For it is by the stripes Jesus endured at the cross that we are healed. We must lay down our hardened hearts and ask God to make them once again pliable and useful for HIS purpose and glory. Our lives are not our own. We must avoid the urge to self-protect and withdraw from life after a tremendous loss. Really consider whether you are just passing through your days, going through the motions, without truly living it for Him. If trust is an issue, will you choose once again to trust God with your heart? Will you let Him put a balm over your wound or heart-crack? Will you decide right now to move forward, setting aside your grief and the chains that have bound you to a life of drudgery and mere existence? There are joys to be found in the remaining years of your life. There is much joy to be found in service. Use the life He has given you and totally dedicate it now for His purpose. He has turned the wailing of many into dancing. Joy will come in the morning. Since there are still things for you to accomplish, He doesn’t want you to live every day stuck in the past. By always looking behind, you’ll miss out on new blessings in front of you. Loosing the old and familiar does not mean you can’t enjoy the new and unfamiliar. Don’t give up on living a productive life. Shouldn’t all of us try to finish our personal race and perform the works He created us to accomplish? God knows your frame and what you are able to withstand. You are stronger than you think, for God is your strength. Reach out and call upon His grace! Let go of the old and step into the new. It will be hard but it is time! You and your Savior will never forget your heartbreak. It has great meaning and value otherwise it would not have hurt so much. Your broken heart will serve as a lovely stepping-stone into a new and specially designed future. We were created for service and for the act of worship. God deserves all glory and praise. Living a full life of joy and moving out of your past is a true sacrifice of praise. With each heartbreak there is a healing balm, and with each scar we don a badge of honor to be worn for all eternity. “Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed; Save me, and I shall be saved, for You are my praise.” Jeremiah 17:14 (NKJV) “But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed.” Isaiah 53:5 (NKJV) Healing Begins - Tenth Avenue North - w/lyrics youtube Tenth Avenue Norths newest single Healing Begins from their forthcoming release The Light Meets the Dark. With correct lyrics as shown. Go to chr...
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 08:35:35 +0000

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