:O :O Thursday Thoughts & Tussle :O :O Could American Politics - TopicsExpress


:O :O Thursday Thoughts & Tussle :O :O Could American Politics Sink Any Lower ? ? ? The only thing Transparent is the highly predictable method of operations ! ! ! We ALL know President Obama is going to commit Constitutional Suicide Tonight in the White House - weve been hearing about it for DAYS! The News Media are all poised with baited breath, some have already Pre-Launched their drama wars. Do I support the Presidents proposed action - Hell No! NOT because I dont agree that we need Immigration Reform and make changes, but I have a much stronger commitment to our Laws and Constitution. Its Illegal, Unethical and Unconstitutional but if you look past that - hey, its a great idea!! Look People - it falls right along side Obamacare, $15hr Minimum Wages and never ending unemployment benefits or Entitlements . . . when you HONESTLY stretch out the MATH for a couple of years even the dumbest of the dumb can see its a train wreck in the making. So tonight Obama will light the media frenzy on FIRE with all sorts of fodder for doomsday predictions . . . Quick OBAMA-MAN, to the Spin Cave pronto!!! What we need is an even BIGGER Scandal, an even BIGGER Story to feed the Media Hounds so once announced we can quickly initiate the implementation of our diabolical immigration plan while everyone is distracted - thus letting the train roll too far down the tracks to pull it back!!! Wouldnt you KNOW - someone ALREADY Spilled the Beans, we already know what the frenzy will be . . . and its a BIGGIE!!! Tonight after President Obama shreds the limitations of Power our Executive Branch of Government Holds Today . . . a TRUE and much more important scandal will be aired on National TV and everyone will have forgotten about Obamas announcement by morning. (well at least those already enjoying legal residency in the USA) What is this HUGE Scandal or Headline Hijacking Story ? ? Didnt you hear already ? ? Tonight ET will broadcast their Exclusive Interview with Country Music Star Ty Herndon and . . . psssst - HES going to to Admit Hes Got the GAY ! ! ! ! Yep! Sorry to be a spoiler but Ty Herndon is GAY and not even ashamed to say so on National TV. By this time tomorrow Nashville TN will be Rioting and, by all predictions, being wiped from the Earth in a bolt of Lightning. OMG, Im hearing now that even the Westboro Baptist Church is going to Nashville to picket, one could only hope they get their BEFORE the Bolt of Lightening Strikes (we could potentially get a Twofer out of this :-) Now in all seriousness (and sadness), I DO predict the above scenario and calamity following Obamas address tonight, but I believe we will have to wait for the rioting and bloodshed on Friday when the Grand Jury in Ferguson Missouri will no doubt announce that there will be no criminal charges in the shooting of Michael Brown! Yes - that will be the distraction and sadness to grease the rails of Immigration Reform, whats worse is other Nations who used to look up to us as a beacon of Hope and Democracy now Laugh at us - US; as in the Citizens who allow this crap to continue. A Bright Future and another Aloha Friday cannot get here soon enough! ~ Aloha Marc
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 22:26:27 +0000

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