🔥🔥O YOU SALAFIS ... WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO YOU??? VOTING IN THE PARLIAMENTARY ELECTIONS ARE HARAAM It is NOT PERMISSIBLE to blind follow Shaykh albani ,Shaykh Ibn Baaz or Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen - Shaykh Muqbil rahimahullah 👆THE CORRECT STANCE ON VOTING AND ELECTIONS.. ALLAMAH AS SHAYKH MUQBIL RAHIMAHULLAH Question: The companions of elections use the speech of Al-Albani and Ibn Baz and Ibn Uthaymeen as proof, so what is your statement about this? Answer: Alhamdolilah wa salaatu wa Salaam alaa rasulilah wa alaa Aalihi wa Ashaabihi wa man wallaahu and I bear witness that there is nothing worthy of worship except Allah, alone having no partners and I bear witness that Muhammad is His slave and messenger. To proceed: The companions of elections are the enemies of these Mashaayikh. Just yesterday we heard in the Committee of Educational Institutions in Sanaa that verily Al-Albani is a freemason when he gave the verdict for those in Palestine from the Muslims to leave because it became Dar-Harb. They launched attacks upon him and said he was astray and an innovator. And also Shaikh ibn Baz when he gave the verdict in the affair of the Khaleej, they attacked him. And when he gave the verdict for the treaty with the Jews, and we spoke about this regardless of the correctness of this verdict, so they assaulted him and attacked him and from these people was Yusuf Al-Qardaawi ( May Allah not bless him). They want to destroy the People of Knowledge. Hizbiyyah was not legitimized for these people until a requested verdict was needed from them. The Hizbiyyun go to their Shuyookh like Qardaawi ,Fulaan and Fulaan. As for the Ulema, they dont go to them; they want to destroy them. I called Shaikh Al-Albani (May Allah preserve him) in regards to this verdict. I said to him, How can you make elections permissible? He said, I didnt make elections permissible, but this falls under committing the lesser of the two harms. So we look and see, what occurred in Algeria was it the lesser of the two harms or did the greater of the two harms occur? Read the biography of Abu Hanifa you will find the Ulema prohibiting personal opinions and Istihsaan. They saw it as a means for Itizaal and a means for displeasure. As for the verdict of Shaikh Al-Albani, they have taken it from a long time ago. In regards to Shaikh ibn Uthaymeen, from the strange things of his situation is that verily he prohibits parties and groups and makes permissible that which is greater and more dangerous, and it is elections which are a way to Democracy. I say to the ones that dupe the people: If these Mashayikh retract, will you retract from it or not? And we say: verily we see the prohibition of blind following, so its not permissible for us to blind follow Shaikh Al-Albani nor Shaikh Ibn Baz nor Shaikh ibn Uthaymeen. Allah says in His Glorious Book (translation): Follow what has been sent down unto you from your Lord, and follow not any auliya besides Him (Allah). Little do you remember! (Surah Al-Araf : 3) And He the Most High says (translation): And follow not that of which you have no knowledge (Surah Al-Isra: 36) So the People of the Sunna do not blind follow. We say to the Mashaayikh: Indeed your verdict is extremely dangerous. Did you not know that Bush (May Allah shame him) when he was the president of America said: Verily Saudi and Kuwait do not apply Democracy. So it is mandatory for the Mashaayikh to retract from this fatwa. I call on you as a witness that verily I will retract from any mistake in my books or tapes or my calling to Allah (the Most High). I retract with a good and peaceful spirit, and the Mashaayikh, there is nothing on them if they retract; rather it is Waajib upon them because they dont know what is happening in Yemen about what is going around in the parliaments. And the wickedness that occurs because of elections like: the killing and fighting because of elections, the women leaving out displaying their beauty, pictures of women because of elections, and making kufr equal to the Book and the Sunna and the Deen because of elections. What good has these elections produced? So it is Waajib on the Mashaayikh to retract. We will send to them, InshaAllah, so if they do not retract, we call upon Allah to bear witness that verily we are free from their verdict because it opposes the Book and the Sunna, whether they like it or hate it. Our honor and our blood are sacrificed for Al-Islam and we will not care, Al-Hamdolilah…….. To finish reading his speech follow the link below. ✅Source: alzoukory/book/monaqshah.pdf
Posted on: Thu, 03 Apr 2014 06:31:37 +0000

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