OBEDIENCE is Better Than SACRIFICE. With a little help from - TopicsExpress


OBEDIENCE is Better Than SACRIFICE. With a little help from God, I went to the U.S. during the early years of our ministry and I stayed there for nearly six months. The reason I went there was to look for a “greener pasture” because I heard that the U.S. was a “land of promise and opportunities”. Before I went to the States, my wife and I were really struggling and having difficulties even with meeting our basic needs as our children were growing. My weekly support from the church then was P150.00. We did not complain, we don’t complain and we never complain. Sometimes, I have to do some “moonlighting” in order to augment our income, support and feed my wife and three children. True enough, when I arrived in the U.S that it was and it is a land of opportunities especially when one is diligent and industrious. I had it so good there and I was having “a time of my life” and I said to myself, “This is it!, Hallelujah! Praise God! Our Brothers and Sisters in the Lord were good, kind and generous to me. After I preached or give my personal testimony, people shook my hands with money (Dollar pa) between our palms. They call it Pentecostal handshake. I always remember our good and close family friend; Pastor Jim and his sweet wife Betty Perry always treat me for lunch at Ponderosa Steak house. They also have supported us for a long time they have been our partners in the ministry ever since. One of my Pastor friends told me that “your English is not that bad”, you can work as my assistant Pastor. You can also petition your family to come to the States. Wow! That was wonderful! Then, few days before I left the States, “a still small voice” spoke to me that I should go back to the Philippines. I really struggled with that and I had a “personal issue” regarding my stay in the U.S. Restless and bothered, I sought confirmation from my Pastor friend. He confirmed and said, you should go back to the Philippines because your people need you there. Being a servant of God and of Jesus Christ, I OBEYED and came back to the Philippines. Few years past and GOD gave us (fully paid) our own church on a 720 sq.m. Lot in West Crame, San Juan. And our church is air-conditioned. GOD also gave us school ministry and the property value is in millions of Pesos. GOD gave us our own home (fully paid) at Valley Golf in Cainta, Rizal. GOD gave me my personal car, a 21 year old car (an oldie but a goodie) but is a Mercedes Benz E-220. A few months ago, our youngest son passed the Bar Exams and he is now a full pledged Attorney. Praise God! Hallelujah! Our God is wonderful and He is the best employer! I want to encourage Pastors and preachers who at the present may be undergoing trials and difficulties especially in meeting your basic needs to BE PATIENT and BE OBEDIENT and BE FAITHFUL in your service to God. GOD WILL SUPPLY ALL YOUR NEED ACCORDING TO HIS RICHES AND GLORY IN CHRIST JESUS!
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 08:37:46 +0000

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