OCCUPY Matter is anything that has weight and occupy space. Do - TopicsExpress


OCCUPY Matter is anything that has weight and occupy space. Do you still remember that definition? Being occupied means to be busy doing something (productive though) or being engaged. What are you occupied with? What is bringing out the zeal, passion or strength in you? What impact are you making in the life of the closet person near you, is your life influencing the person next door? There is a popular saying that says The devil finds work for an idle hand and we can also find bible verses that even buttress this point. Proverbs 10:4, He who has a slack hand becomes poor, But the hand of the diligent makes rich. A room that is not occupied is filled with unwanted things, uninvited pests and rodents, cobwebs and so on. This is also applicable to a heart that is not occupied, it will be filled with unfruitful thoughts and so on. This is an era of getting busy, find something else to do alongside with Bsc, Msc, get creative, impact lives, shake the kingdom of hell, spread the gospel of Christ, change this nation and in turn change the world. You and I are the change we need to deliver this nation. The government wont help if you wait for them to effect change. As Christians, dont be like the Thessalonians who left their work in expectancy of Christs coming which Paul had to correct. Stop hiding under waiting for Christ second coming or waiting on God to be lazy or unfruitful. Do not stay at the cross and stare, leave there to work, Christianity is work and not a license to laziness, get busy! Occupy till I come (Lk.19:13b). How many souls have you won for God, how many discouraged Christians have you encouraged or even prayed for? Do you even take your time to pray for your nation, state, town and the church? What are you doing to develop the work of God? This is a wake up call for you today. Now to relationship; what do you do while waiting for your partner? Do you just sit around doing nothing all in the name of waiting for Gods will? What is your vision or purpose on earth? Dont be surprised if you remain single because nobody wants someone who is idle. Find something to do, be creative, acquire skills (women especially), feed your spirit with the right thing so that you will manifest well physically. By their fruit, we shall know them, if he/she (Mr/Ms right) does not see your fruit, your manifestation, your being occupied; it might also cause a delay in approaching or accepting, nobody wants a partner without vision or non-purpose driven partner. A Godly man/woman bearing good fruits, working fervently for God, with a career (skilled or unskilled) will want someone of like manner as a partner so I say: A MAN/WOMAN WITH DREAM NEEDS A MAN/WOMAN WITH VISION. Let your vision be greater than your emotion! Remember the parable of the ten talents in Luke 19:11-26, verse 26 said “He replied, ‘I tell you that to everyone who has, more will be given, but as for the ones who have nothing, even what they have will be taken away. Beware of laziness! Find your purpose or vision and work it out with prayers and right connection with God and your gift shall make way for you. Everybody is born with a seed of greatness, bringing it to reality is now left to you. The worst tragedy of life is not DEATH, but living life without IMPACT. CHAMPIONS live for IMPACT, are you one? Confession: I am wise, I refuse to be idle! Prayer: Teach me oh Lord to be useful for You, myself and the society. Good morning Oluwatoyin Adebowale KEY ©2014
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 07:02:24 +0000

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