OCCUPY TILL I COME and WHATSOEVER THY HANDS FINDETH TO DO, DO WITH ALL THY MIGHT. The first part of the scriptures above was the message of a noble who was going to a far country to receive a new kingdom to his ten servants to whom he gave ten pounds or call it talents, the latter aspect was an insight from the Holy Spirit on how to do the occupying effectively. Looking at the story of the travelling noble, we can draw the following inferences, the travelling noble man is THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. The far country he travelled to is HEAVEN. The kingdom he had gone to receive is THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN. His ten servants are THE CONTEMPORARY CHRISTIANS. The ten pounds are THE DIFFERENT ABILITIES, TALENTS AND GIFTS HE ENDOWED US WITH. The men that said they would not have him rule over them are people in the other religions and unbelieving nominal Christians who refuse to give their lives to Christ as they do not believe He is God, Lord and King. To the Christian with the pounds, to you and me, he expects us to occupy till he comes, he expects us to live a life of sacrifice to him and to mankind, he advised through Paul the apostle, BRETHREN. . .PRESENT YOUR BODIES A LIVING SACRIFICE, HOLY AND ACCEPTABLE UNTO, WHICH IS YOUR REASONABLE SERVICE. Nothing you do as a Christian is reasonable enough if it does not involve selfless sacrifice for God, his church and fellow Christians. And while doing this use all you pounds, your time, your talents, your gifts, intuition, intellect and intelligence, and use them with all thy might! The noble man JESUS CHRIST will return someday on HIS SECOND COMING, and call you to give an account of how you have used the pounds and talents he gave unto you. Cities will be given to men in his kingdom to reign over while some men who refused to occupy well will not receive anything! And for the men who refused to have him reign over them, he will ask to be slain in his presence, this is the SECOND DEATH! As Christians, dont wait for anybody to give an order about what you ought to do, look around and find a responsibility in your church, look for a dire need, open your eyes and see how you can change your society, community, church and nation positively and do it with all your might, even when no one will reinforce you or praise you. It is whatsoever your hands FINDETH, not whatsoever is PLACED in your hands alone. Christians you have duty. Occupy until Jesus come. And do that with all thy might. God bless you. Amen. Good day pals.
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 15:23:46 +0000

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