OF DELIVERING HEADS OF CATTLE AND CITING PROPER VERSES.(MALACHI 1:8) 1 September, 2003 I was at Henga Valley in Likuni with a friend Golden. Then as we tried to sample some pork pieces from the place, we saw some young men passing by the road from NRC shepherding some heads of cattle towards the main road from Chigwirizano to town, final destination-Cold storage. Two of them branched for some pork pieces as well. barely five minutes of their branching, there came two nuns moving from the Likuni Water Supply going towards Likuni Parish. One of the boys commented on the nuns and it was a very rural dialect "koma tsano dala namwali wakongola molapitsa zedi, wati". expecting a response. The other boy responded with such a divine touch that I had to recount it today "odala, kodi simunawerenge pa MALAKI 1 VESI 8",....... msiyeni mzimayi ambwezere ulemu Mulungu wake, ndani ananena Mulungu safuna amene mukutsirira inuyo?" I kept thinking about his busy schedule of delivering cattle from various markets in Malawi and the time this man could have to read the Bible and use it as a good weapon to waive some deceitful thought of his own friend. When we asked how long they have been moving with the heads of cattle, they said 10 Days since they left a market at Nthalire in Chitipa District.
Posted on: Sun, 01 Sep 2013 18:58:34 +0000

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