OFFICIAL KINCON AFTERWARDS Hi everyone *waves* it’s Morgane - TopicsExpress


OFFICIAL KINCON AFTERWARDS Hi everyone *waves* it’s Morgane (aka Morgue Chan) here, typing up some words and stuff. Also, sorry this is so late... SO first of all I’d just like let everyone - just everyone who took the time to help out with KINCON or took the time to make a cosplay specifically for the convention, who decided KINCON was a cool place to set a stall up - everyone - Thank You. I appreciate ALL the support. KINCON this year was a bit of a last minute show - I didn’t even think it was going to happen due to a couple circumstances, one being finding a venue (Many thanks to Grant from ICON for helping out with securing a booking at Jabula in my time of desperate need). This year I also spent a lot less time on advertising - but it seems that wasn’t a problem because I actually made DOUBLE the amount of profits I was expecting! How even? Here, take my tears of appreciation. I’d like to make a HUGE shout out to all my wonderful staff peoples - yall were amazing with keeping me sane these past months. Douw and Gaeton, you two did an amazing job with the Cosplay Ball (the first in South Africa I might add thankyouverymuch), I could never have done something that epic. Huge thanks to Jeanine for taking the time to organise decorations for the ball and for the 2 bands Boxer and Go Barefoot for taking the time to rock out at our little shindig. Gareth, you did a FANTASTIC job at finding and wrangling the minions (aka volunteers); they were fantastic and they made the 2 days go a LOT smoother! You also deserve much congratulations on the success of the first ever (can this be confirmed?) Cosplay Chess in SA at KINCON! (Much thanks as well to the cosplayers, LARPers and random bystanders who were roped into being chess pieces) Kat Li and sister of Kat Li - Thanks so much for taking the time to help me with admin (even though you had your own stall to prep for) - from helping me print tickets and passes to letting me bounce ideas off your brain. Huge thanks to Legion Ink.( Kim, Ray, Nadja, and co.) for taking charge of the Cosplay Competition! It was a major burden off my back and yall did a fantastic job (as always). I really do appreciate all of yalls hard work and time. Ray, you did an amazing job as MC for the comp (also thanks for being my lovely assistant for the raffle because I was too pooped scared to stand and talk on stage by myself >___
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 09:48:04 +0000

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