OFM RHEMA FOR LIVING FROM THE DESK OF OUR SPIRITUAL FATHER, GODS ORACLE, APOSTLE (PROF) JOHNSON SULEMAN FOR YOU TODAY WEDNESDAY 29TH OCTOBER, 2014. TOPIC: TYPES OF HEART (PART 17). SCRIPTURE READING: MARK 4:7,18 - 19 (KJV). Next in the parable is the seed that fell among thorns which I chose to call the entangled heart. This is the condition of several hearts today. Here is a kind of person who listens to the Word of God. He gets the truth; gets an understanding, gets a deep insight into the Word.He could even have the revelation knowledge of that Word. There is no reason for the Word not to affect him. In fact, there is no reason for him or her not to grow. He or she actually started to grow and to take root. The problem of this heart is not that it has no thought or conviction. It has deepens of soil, it has enough moisture and manure to make the Word take root and prosper, but something else comes along to choke the Word of God in his or her heart. Let us consider what the Bible says about the phrase: among thorns. ...Break up your fallow ground and sow not among thorns. (JEREMIAH 4:3). This picture the Lord is showing to us about this type of heart is clear. It is still a fallow, untilled soil. There is no vaccum in nature; hence there is no heart that is naturally vacant. Every heart (once not cultivated) grows weeds and thorns. Thorns, in this Scripture are things that normally occupy the human heart- the common things that everyone thinks about or seeks to have in this life. Thorns thrive on the same manure as real seeds. They also need to be embedded in the soil. They need some deep thoughts to thrive upon. What are these thorns? It is the care of this age, the worries of this World system, the deceitfulness of riches and the lusts for other things. I will like you to read the following Scriptures as your assignment today so you will understand better what we are talking about: Matthew 6:25 - 32, Job 1:21, Psalms 49:19, 1 Peter 5:7, Jeremiah 29:11, and 1 Timothy 6:7 - 10. PRAYER: I cast all my cares and worries on Jesus from today. I refuse to be choked by the cares of this World anymore in Christ in JESUS CHRIST NAME, AMEN.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 09:50:57 +0000

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