OH boy. I really hope that didnt end up anywhere. I was responding - TopicsExpress


OH boy. I really hope that didnt end up anywhere. I was responding to a her F book comment, with a comment that turned into nooo not just my homework assignment or final paper qualty due in 2 months, no no this went beyond; I turned f-books platform for comments into a temporary cyber space overloaded and trippy with the rigorous wisdoms behind my insights on the subject of tattoos, to gardening and how best to light a fire and sustain it; turning all of those legit beyond my knowledge, meaning it is possible i was sleeping and my more complex and sophisticated interpretations of the basis and resistance of our individual desires and instincts our ego hides so well from us such raw natural behaviors, or distressing emotions we know not the source of because we have been tamed, with reasoning, civilities,certain rules, models of what good behaviour is and desires that are ok to act upon and those that are simply not ok and what weve become so far from what we are how we were meant to live, with who, where; where any behavior uncommonly scene by the common, so convinced of how well they abide by the rules of a structure, desperate to stay within the boundaries of your existance and trained to fear your responsibility to your existence, your responsibility add in a little authenticity, a little but of the raw you, a little bit of the animal, a little bit of thats good for you but deemed bad by someone just like you, maybe just more...loserly. I dont know whatever, here we go again, I write books in spaces that arent meant for this kind of talk, this kind of talk, not meant for people like you are me to find comfort and peace in honest conversation, genuine and human exchange of contact, expressions, understanding...you understand what I mean, and how unfortunate the reality of reality is that we arent living our desired realite. The one that is hard to see passed all that learned behaviour that make you like everyone else; not like you. Not in accordance to your biology, instincts, strengths that may have distinguished you or that could have been used well to do well, or evil...but it would have been done well...haha jk, more like it would have guided you more naturally to how you incorporated meaning again, in relation to your so specific traits, desires, fetishes...yeah sure even that would give the generics of todays contemporary society enough insight about oneself to continue on doing what? I dont probably something that leaves no room for the animal, the distinction, the fetish, the spontaneity, the good and evil, the human...you have no room to be humane; so listen, up peeps- make room, show them show you show whoever, show them you. Dont be afraid of the symptoms that make you human, as painful as they may be; they remind us that despite all that has been done to avoid a natural, perhaps chaotic and elementary in the leisures we take for granted anyway today, despite, healthcare= nice, I do like my car too...but thats about technological advancments imapact on society and even though I couldnt tell you the topic or reason for this little bit I decided to write; even though I dont get a grade deciding its worth and ultimately my worth for what I produce is an extension of me, the only thing I have to express me, whoever that is; again it doesnt matter, and Im way off track of the topic I know not of. Alors, Daccord, I must put end to it my eyes are telling me im tired so im going to listen to them and sleep instead of yell at them to stay wide open so I can see all the bullshit in front of me. Hey, hey its not all bullshit, just, a bit of it, you know...a large bit haha:). Ca Suffit I am happy I wrote something, dont judge this tired ranting girl, and oh yes, Ive been meaning to say I am happy, that I wrote because it was for no one, no idea, no grade, no reward, none of these silly untangle man made measurements that help smart men explaine things and stuff yeah things and stuff! should be an area of study. I would be good at that...i bet...so anyways before i finish i promise, these dudes get the language maybe not so suave in the language human communication or that of english, but that understandable, respect; yet, despite my comments of these science and math professors I assume you have identified of whom I was speaking about, well they or they teach, nvm forget it I lost the gist of it basically, they teach, in classrooms, with chalkboards, that reek of stale chalk, which is kind of old school but unimportant; and so he and those fortunate enough to have such a strength applicable to todays society. The kids in the classroom, who knows what they are getting from the class some will join the cult of converting what we experience into a language understood by a few lucky duck geniuses so that they can teach others, this language hoping they find similar comfort in the passions, or at least in the idea of change, which is a theme that goes hand in hand with science thats why we got no beef. The point is no one know much about anything, the world, or if there is a right way versus a wrong way to live. All we have is limits, paths given for us to decide which to take, but none of them our our paths, our choices, robert frost where is the third, and fourth road not taken, I wanna hit that one up; im bored of one of two and everyone ends up either here or there. Its up you whoever you are and me and us to remain aware of what our own existences need and its our duty to find meaning in that existent, authenticity, and not wonder too far from yourself, all those confusing forces within you mean something, so relax, breath, step back a sec its totally fine to press pause on life try it i bet ur afraid the worlds gonna like explode or something, its called meditation, dont try to hard to relax or not think that defeats the purpose, let your brain wander and do not limit it like you feel you are limited in a world thats hard to find happiness in because its not trying to find us happiness its trying to keep havoc from erupted out of no man made structure or rule or laws of civility. so even though i hate you society, many people do. you do what is necessary to make the world a liveable place. It is our goal to look out for ourselves, make the world a livable place according to us, eh? sounds good. Trust you instincts, dont be afraid to wander through woods on a pathless stroll, I do it...like too much...like ery day. No, no I dont. Also, dont just do becuase you think you should. I hate that world. Who said honey? huh? you tell me who said you should live just like that and Ill tell you why they are wrong, just like that. Be an animal rawr. Im intune with my inner tigresses, it has brought me some,...entertainment, not much for my overall well being, but still its probably good for you. let loose because if you dont i Gauruntee all those looking out for you are going to stop you to make sure you relax and this and that. Your boss isnt gonna tell you to take a break, your co-worker might so he can get your job but....see what I mean. Its all you, because of you, for you because if you dont do you, whos gonna help support me doing me. I meant to close earlier with I wrote this out of care for anyone, someone, a human being and they need care, advise, and weird, random yet necessary insight from people like me, simplu because I care about you even though i dont know you and I want to help you the way I try to help myself hah, oh boy, so do me a favor and take something positive from this it could be about the science dudes and their chalk, that chill...definitely a chill image...to such structured repetitive days, that I actually do not mind, because while seeking more for yourself and others from this life it is just as important to think very carefully about the luck and love and goodness, like that goood stufffffffffffffffff. Its imperative darling to help you see through those clouds we all have bopping around in our head, to that we can enjoy life, experience happiness, live in the present, live in respect you...well, you and your values, dont take notes, nothing is that important, Its just life, bring on the emotions good and bad, sit with them describe them outloud, dont let your natural biology bring you discomfort, come on! you are only human, we all are...except for my dog, she is definetly an alien of sorts. Extraterrestrial fo life!- next topic I hope never to write about in the same haphazard from and elementary level I just wanted to help anyone It helps me find meaning within my own individual existence. Peace out losers i love you- goodnight
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 03:26:50 +0000

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