OK, Abby Klein I have my list of 13 things about myself and in - TopicsExpress


OK, Abby Klein I have my list of 13 things about myself and in honor of your brothers 35th birthday, here they are. Like this status and Ill give you a number for you to write things about yourself. 1. Peonies are my least favorite flower and it’s all because my Brownie beanie floated down the DSM River with them on Memorial Day 1960. 2. I was dubbed an honorary Hobo Duchess by Alabama Hobo during a jungle campfire ceremony. 3. I ‘m drawn to storytellers, where ever I go. My Dad was the best and a frequent storyteller. In Wesley, Andy Cosgrove and Dick Fox were two of my favorites. That’s why I never tired of hanging out with the hobos and George Horton when they came to Britt and why I enjoy sharing a spot at the bar with Larry Larson in Ames. 4. My name changed to Willy during my first hours of fall orientation as a freshman at Iowa State. My RA’s boyfriend said I had to have a more fun name – his name was Tweed – he named me Willy and it stuck. 5. In the earl 80’s I had an Afro, braces and three little kids. 6. Two movies that I will never tire of watching, especially with my kids and grandkids – the Goonies and Sandlot. 7. The only high school sport I participated in was one season of track, but I did show my coordination by learning to sew on a treadle sewing machine. 8. I love being in on the start of important things – like the Britt Area Food Bank and National Hobo Museum. 9. My first job out of college where I applied my English and Journalism degree was editing the Van Buren County History book. 10. What makes me happy? A walk at sunrise, sunset or under a bright starlit sky. 11. My favorite number has to be 3 – 3 sisters, 3 brothers, 3 kids, 3 Newton Grandkids 12. Work trivia that I have learned over the years: Lake Lacey’s stone stairway has 113 steps; it is possible to write about manure nutrients 33 times and make each story sound different; water tables filled with colored rice are the most fun to play in; few words often make the point better than many. 13. Four ladies that inspired me to be a journalist and a writer – Etta Kay Owen, my high school English teacher; Dodie Hamblin, international photojournalist; her sister Mary Ovrum, local columnist; and my Grandmother, an award winning high school journalist and local columnist.
Posted on: Tue, 03 Dec 2013 12:29:16 +0000

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