OK! The Drama for the night is that my little Cockapoo - Gigi who - TopicsExpress


OK! The Drama for the night is that my little Cockapoo - Gigi who is 5 years has never seen a cockroach ever! Well, she saw her first one cockroach tonight crawling in the Den by my basket and container full of trips to go see and do in Texas. It came crawling out behind my basket full of books of places to go and see in the state of Texas! She was so persistence in pursuing this thing to her! She jumped down from my recliner and started after it! It went behind the basket and container but, she kept going after it. Well my other tan recliner is sitting across the den from me and she was determined it was there. So, after many times of pursuing it - I got up and leaned the recliner back and forth thinking maybe she does see it! But, I saw nothing. I sat back down and there she goes again and there it was running out from underneath the recliner! I grabbed some tissues and got it with one swipe, took it into the bathroom and flushed it down the toilet! My son came out of the bedroom and heard the comotion! I told him what happened and he said he could hear and figured Gigi and I could handle it! So we did together! Gig is fast asleep beside me but had a very dramatic evening! Of course I gave her a treat for protecting me from the Big Giant Black Cockroach! I HATE THOSE THINGS! GOOD NIGHT!
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 05:15:56 +0000

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