OK. Well. Interesting. The little Patriots & I just returned - TopicsExpress


OK. Well. Interesting. The little Patriots & I just returned home from running a few errands. While in line at the grocery store, I noticed there was a *very* young Hispanic woman in front of me with two small boys. (She may have even been an older sister as she was quite young.) I noticed that they only spoke Spanish and she paid with some type of food stamps. I was interested in observing this because it isnt something you commonly see in this area. I wouldnt say the area we live in is upscale, but its definitely upper middle class. You dont normally see people buying things with EBT cards or food stamps in our town. Its a small town surrounded by larger cities & a metropolitan area about an hour away. Given the current border situation & all that is in the news, I was really paying attention & wondering if these were some of the people who have entered our country illegally. I mean, this IS California & it IS sickeningly liberal here. While I was pondering this, two more Hispanic women came up behind me. Same thing. Spanish speaking only. One woman did not know about personal space as she was nearly on top of me. She flung some dripping bag of produce up onto the counter & sloshed liquid all over my foot & leg. By this time I had moved up to check out my things. This woman stayed right on top of me & was talking to her friend about me. You cant live in California your whole life and not pick up some Spanish. I know enough to know that she was talking about me. Anyway... whatever. I didnt stay around long enough to see if she paid with cash or food stamps... but the whole thing really made me stop and think. We know these people are going to infiltrate our cities. What irritates me is that at least the woman in front of me who paid with food stamps (essentially we all just paid for her groceries today). When it was my turn, I paid $109 for things for my family. That came out of our bank account. Hard-earned money that taxes were paid on. So, why do I have to pay for your groceries when you are here illegally & why do I have to press #1 for English when I call my bank to check my balance? I was also thinking about the threat of the disease being reported. My littlest Patriot is Mr. Friendly & he had a stuffed toy with him. He was looking at the two little boys in front of us & held out his toy to show them. One of the children was coughing. I instinctively thought, What *if* they have something contagious? I hate to be that way, but my first priority is to protect my children. We all risk picking up germs when out in public, but with this latest threat... scabies, lice, drug-resistant T.B., etc.... its a game changer. It made me realize that B.O. HAS fundamentally transformed America. Were seeing it up close & personal right now. Its affecting & has affected all of our lives (Im not just talking about the illegal situation). Its affecting the way we think & the way we react to other people. Now, before some libturd reads this & comes down hard on me for my comments, let me just save time & answer them right now. Libturd: Sister Patriot, you are so racist!! Sister Patriot: First of all, liberals are the biggest racists on the planet. Second, Im not a racist. At all. I mention the nationality of these people specifically because of the current border issue & the mass of Mexicans flooding into this country. Today, in the grocery store, they happened to be Mexican. They could have been from Central America or the Middle East & maybe next time I go to the store, they will be. Libturd: Oh Sister Patriot, you disgust me. You call yourself a Christian, yet you dont accept everyone like Jesus did. Sister Patriot: I do care about my fellow man. However, Jesus also told us not to steal. When you sneak across the border & live off of hardworking peoples taxes, I consider that akin to stealing. Illegal means against the law. I dont care if you are Mexican or German or British or a martian from Planet Nimrod, its still committing a crime. I care about the men & women who work their butts off, obey the laws, pay taxes & cant make ends meet because taxes & now our medical insurance premiums are so high, in part from catering to all of these freeloaders. Libturd: SP, dont you REALLY mean that you dont normally see Hispanics in your area & you dont like it? Sister Patriot: I see plenty of Hispanics in my area. I have Hispanic friends. But the difference is, they are citizens of this country. Some have been here longer than I have. They own businesses, they have good jobs, nice homes. They are Americans. Big difference. And frankly... if youre a libturd reading this, dont bother commenting (unless its polite, which is doubtful) because I will ban your butt anyway. ~~Sister Patriot
Posted on: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 01:52:22 +0000

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