OK...raise your hand if you want to hear of my latest F-up......I - TopicsExpress


OK...raise your hand if you want to hear of my latest F-up......I am going to assume all 495 of my friends have a hand in the air. So here goes: My head has been in the clouds for a few months...not thinking straight, etc. As therapy, I enjoy gardening, and cutting my lawn. Last week I was at my wits end. I needed a therapy session. So I pulled out my 15 year old John Deere LX 277 - that costs more than some cars, and began cutting my lawn. As I tell you this story, keep in mind I am VERY stressed out AND, mind you, my lawn mower is 15 years old. I began cutting. I was cutting my lawn for approx. 15 minutes and the tractor STOPPED. It just stopped with no warning. I tried several times to get it started again...no luck. I got off, kicked the tire, punched the seat, got back on and tried to start it again. NOPE....nothin. I sat on my tractor and bawled my eyes out. All my stress came pouring out all over the place in the form of hyperventilating and crying hysterically. I do not cry. So it took a lot of crap to build up before I let it all out. I tried to start it again - still wouldt turn over. I smelled gas, so I assumed I flooded it. It was getting dark, so I took a shower & called it a day. The next morning I tried to start it AGAIN. Effin thing wouldt start. I kicked the tire, spewed a few curse words at it and came inside to call the dealership to have them pick it up. Loooooooong story short, I just got a call from the dealership. They told me the problem.....it was out of gas. Go ahead, laugh........I did......
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 15:02:09 +0000

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