OK, the cat is out of the bag. Somehow my birthday was leaked, - TopicsExpress


OK, the cat is out of the bag. Somehow my birthday was leaked, even though I hid it. Getting old sucks I turned 48 today. Yes, I’m currently 48 years old. Yes I have gray in my hair. Yes, I really don’t give a crap. I’ve been mostly in denial about getting older in a lot of ways, but this last six months? Yeah, I can’t deny it anymore. A small number of things have become obvious, telling me that I better face it: I’m heading into middle age. First, it was the tired thing. Suddenly, I looked tired no matter how well rested I remain tired. The bags under my eyes no longer go away with a good night’s sleep. Instead of having one line under my eyes when I smile, I now have two. Merta! Worse, though, is the vision thing. A couple years ago at my annual eye exam, my eyes got slightly more near-sighted for the first time in about twenty years. Well, guess what? That’s gone now. Yeah. I’m now one of those people that has to hold shit at arm’s length to see it. If I’m in a dark restaurant, I have to turn the light on my cell phone on to read the menu. IT IS SO ANNOYING THIS WHOLE GETTING OLD THING...... Then, of course, is the random aches and pains. I find myself competing with my wife to see who’s more achy in the mornings.......... There are good things, though. For instance, you no longer get so mad at everything. While righteous anger is still there, it’s easier to not get worked up about everything. I am more comfortable in my saggy and wrinkled skin. I no longer feel such an overwhelming urge to compete with everyone. I guess that part is nice........ And now you’ll have to excuse me–I’ve got to go put on my glasses because the computer screen is starting to swim at me.......... With that being said I refuse all of your HBDs! I refuse to accept I am one year closer to 50 and being 10 feet under. What is wrong with you people rubbing salt in this old mans wounds. Now if you will excuse me, I have to go take an old man nap..............
Posted on: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 14:08:40 +0000

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