OM SAIRAM Through various acts, advice and examples, Baba - TopicsExpress


OM SAIRAM Through various acts, advice and examples, Baba advised his children to follow the path of dharma which means transgressing the limitations of our small ego. Keeping in mind Babas advice we may all strive to transcend limitations of our mind and body. In the path of spiritualism transcendence is necessary. Transcendence of what? Transcendence of the fetters of body and mind. This can only be achieved by controlling the compulsions of body like hunger, lust and the mental compulsions of mind like greed, jealousy, anger, hatred etc. When one by one the mental fetters fall off, two elements of mind like desire and feeling pertaining to those compulsions also vanish. The soul slowly but imperceptibly then enters into a state of pure consciousness. At this stage he goes beyond all bodily fetters including birth and death. He also crosses the barriers of time and space. The progress in the path of spirituality is the march of the divine consciousness from its primordial state to the original divine self. All species controlled by time, in terms of birth and death, including human beings are a part of that creative process. Life after life they evolve ultimately to reach that state of God where from they emanated. Except God, no one and nothing in this world is perfect. All the imperfect beings and things in the world, which includes all species, get birth, because they are imperfect. Life after life they go on perfecting themselves, little by little. The meaning of life is to endeavor to become perfect. Self-analysis, self-study, self-oriented actions towards that goal and prayer to Sadguru to lead in that path is the only way to progress meaningfully in life. Saints and the people truly following this spiritual path always think, not only of their own evolution but also about the evolution of all human beings or other species around them. Any action (in thought, speech, activity), which helps in the evolution of the self or others is a good act called virtue (punya) and any action detrimental to such growth is an evil act called sin (paap). It is very difficult to follow such a path in a world as ours and therefore, the process of evolution of human beings is so slow, spread over a number of lives. We must use our imperfections of yesterday and try to evolve towards a little more perfection. Knowing that no ordinary mortal is totally perfect, we try to find a model of perfection which is epitomized in Sadguru or Perfect Master. Shri Shirdi Sai Baba was in such supreme state of perfection. He possessed such powers or siddhis, which no one can imagine, however he maintained a humble life. Humility, simplicity are not weakness, they are the biggest strength one can possess in the path of spiritual development. Let us remember this.
Posted on: Tue, 03 Dec 2013 10:05:56 +0000

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