OMG! OMG! Save me please ... from my own cheap online dramas! ~ - TopicsExpress


OMG! OMG! Save me please ... from my own cheap online dramas! ~ Awareness Campaign for Responsible Online Behavior .. SHARE it pls In the light of the fact that the Sg, Pinas and India govt has recently passed strict laws governing online libel, slander, threats, blackmail, cheap negative dramas on the walls, inbox, whatsapp, twitter, etc, those who are use to the cheap online drama on the wall will need to start behaving or start facing the legal consequences. How many times we see CHEAP DRAMA or threats of private messages being and pics being posted on the fb wall? A lot. Contrastingly, have you seen sensible, educated people, even employers and their young kids do this? Rarely so. Why even their young kids do not do it as much? What is the difference? Plenty of smartphones in the hands of idotic trashy people? Class, maturity, education & awareness, commonsense and attitude makes the difference. So then why so many are addicted to such trashy, cheap and irresponsible destructive low class online behavior. Isnt it time to grow up. Online world is not a remote province where being busybody tsismosa gossip could be a favorite timepass for some trashy drama queens. Please clean up disgusting online behavior. If you wish to be respected as a LADY, then behave with class or else do not complain when people NEGATIVELY STEREOTYPE YOU. Being educated is not about university degrees, but about the AWARENESS of proper behavior and social responsibility. Earn the right to be respected with real lady-like (not plastic) online mature behavior with a sense of dignity and personal ownership. All the time wasted in the cheap dramas, online games, negativity, destruction, etc, couldnt it be utilized in some positive pursuits to help yourself, self-development, creating harmony, helping oneself and others. Also, guard against posting personal details and pics of others including the pics of employer and their kids, addresses, etc, or face the law suits and loss of the jobs. Wake up, or the new laws have already started cracking down, sure you wouldnt want to wake up in a prison cell. Sg prime minister recently sued a blogger. Indian authorities yesterday arrested 3 people for posting ordinary pics of a girl along with screenshots of Private Messages to slander her. Do not be next, cheap fun wont sound funny in a prison cell with a loss of job and dignity. Please share some examples of TRASHY online behavior you have encountered.
Posted on: Thu, 05 Jun 2014 22:32:43 +0000

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