OMG!! Today was one of THE WORST days when it came to chemtrails - TopicsExpress


OMG!! Today was one of THE WORST days when it came to chemtrails today. DAMN!! WTF?!?! I mustve seen AT LEAST 20 trails today. Today was one of THE WORST chemtrailing days in a LONG while in my area of Poughkeepsie, New York. Chemtrails (short for chemical trails) are similar to jet plane exhaust con-trail (short for condensation trail) BUT different in that normal jet plane exhaust DISAPPEARS WITHIN seconds while chemtrails stays put in the sky for minutes OR hours at a time. Chemtrails are made of among other things barium/aluminum salts, polymer fibers, thorium and MANY other DANGEROUS chemicals that are EXTREMELY harmful towards the environment and our health. Chemtrails are a BIG part of the geo-engineering/weather manipulation program along with HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) and are key parts of the overall global population extermination/eugenics agenda by the New World Order/Illuminati to which their agenda is partially outlined in a 10 point multi-language stones called the Georgia Guidestones (link below) located at Elbert, Georgia. Among these 10 points is the first one which says Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature. Meaning that the global population shall NEVER rise above 500 million and MUST remain at ALL times BELOW 500 million. Now I ask, WHEN THE HELL IS ALL THIS CHEMTRAILING/GEO-ENGINEERING/WEATHER MODIFICATION GONNA STOP ALL READY?!?! DAMN!!!!!!! youtube/watch?v=jf0khstYDLA
Posted on: Sat, 21 Jun 2014 01:08:00 +0000

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