OMG, can you two please stop XD... “Eh……..?” Shidou - TopicsExpress


OMG, can you two please stop XD... “Eh……..?” Shidou opened his eyes wide when he heard another creak other than the chair. He stopped moving and focused his ears. When he did that, he found out there were soft footsteps echoing from the other side of the door in front of him. “……..! I-is anyone there!?” It was help from the heavens. Shidou raised his voice to avoid losing this chance. The footsteps slowly got closer as if the person noticed his voice and stopped right in front of the room door that Shidou was trapped inside. But. After seeing the person opening the door while creaks could be heard from the rusty joints, Shidou’s relaxed expression was again controlled by nervousness again. “O-Origami…………!?” Yes. The person there was the culprit that confined Shidou here. It was Miss Tobiichi Origami that left the area just now. “……………” After Origami opened the door, she walked to Shidou silently. Shidou was surprised for an instant but, he immediately swung his head to regain his composure. “Origami----you came back?” “…………” Origami did not say anything even though he asked her. She walked to him without changing her pace and stood right in front of him. “Origami…….?” Shidou frowned his eyebrows at the un-talkative Origami---- “Uh, you------“ He gasped at the sudden possibility that scratched his mind. At first, Shidou thought Origami reconsidered her thoughts half-way and decided to come back to Shidou but………that was a selfish thought. But, thinking calmly, that was a very naïve hopeful view for him. Yes. The girl-Tobiichi Origami had a stronger determination than anyone else and there was no way she would change her mind without any reason. Then why did she come back? There were only 2 things he could think off. First, some kind of problem occurred and she had no choice but to come back to Shidou. And another. ---She has already finished her goal. “…………” After Shidou gulped, Origami opened her eyes. “Origami, why……are you back here?” “…………….” Origami did not answer. She remain silent and only stared at Shidou. Shidou’s breathing slowly turned wild when he saw her unreadable robotic expression. His heartbeat turned rough and his voice turned very dry. “N-no way, you…………” When Shidou said it with a terrified voice, Origami showed a reaction for the first time. However, it wasn’t consent nor was it denial. She only raised the side of her lips silently and----*nii* she made a smile. “………Wha-----“ Shidou felt that his heart was getting squeezed when he saw that face. But that was only natural. That’s because the person in front of him was Tobiichi Origami. She seldom changes her expression and that graceful appearance was even enough to be compared with a doll. There were times that she raised her eyebrows or relaxes her cheeks but, he has never seen her make a distinct [smile] like now. That might true. This was the first time Shidou was able to read Origami’s emotion from her expression. “W-why……are you smiling………hey, Origami…….” When Shidou asked, Origami’s smile turned even bigger and her body started trembling as if she could not handle it anymore. “Fu---------fufu, fufufu” It then slowly got louder. “Fufuu, ahaha-haha…..ahahahahahahahahahahaha!” “O……ri, ga….mi?” Origami twisted her body and started laughing. Shidou could only call her name blankly when he saw that weird scenery. He had no idea what that laugh meant. But, he unpleasantly found out that the Origami in front of him now was different from usual. His heart was ringing like an alarm bell from that weird scene. ---but, he noticed something weird. He felt that Origami……..was laughing too much. “Hii, hiii, hii! What is with that face, what is with that face! Ahahahaha! So weird! So weird! Ah it hurts!” “………Origami?” Sweat was flowing down Shidou’s cheek while he closed half of his eyes…………..Origami was holding her stomach while rolling around. Her panties could sometimes be seen from her skirt since she was moving that wildly. It was white. When Origami was laughing and rolling around, the door that Origami came in just now opened again and a girl entered the room. She was a small girl wearing a casket with cute decorations, and a puppet in her left hand. Shidou raised his voice in reflex when he saw her. “Yoshino!?” “Y-yes……are you okay, Shidou-san” Yoshino made a worried face while saying that. As if to match with that, her left hand [Yoshinon] *Clatter**clatter* opened her mouth. “Iyaah, this is one amazing kidnap and confinement. Come on Yoshino, this is a chance you know? you can do anything to Shidou now!” “………..!” Yoshino’s face turned beet red and she suppressed [Yoshinon]s mouth. It’s not like he was not curious at [Yoshinon]’s improper comment but, there was no time for that. Shidou shouted. “Yoshino, run! The current Origami is weird!” He had no idea why Yoshino was here. But, he could easily understand how dangerous it is to expose Yoshino to the eyes of Origami who said she was going to kill the Spirits. However, Yoshino made big blinks after bringing her sights to Origami who was still rolling around laughing. She then quietly opened her mouth to the weird Origami without being afraid. “Err…….I think it’s enough………?” “Fu-fufu……hi-hiii……..hii………” After Yoshino said that, Origami finally arranged her breathing and raised her body from the spot. She then flip up her messed up front hair and made a fearless smile before her body started giving off a pale glow. “Wha-----“ After Shidou opened his eyes wide blankly and Origami’s silhouette gradually turned smaller------she turned into the appearance of a girl he was familiar with. “Natsumi!?” Yes. The person that appeared there was the Spirit Natsumi in her real appearance ----who came to wake Shidou up this morning. It seems, that Origami just now was Natsumi in her transformation……….No wonder something was off. For now, Shidou made a relieved sigh after knowing that the Origami just now was a fake and that both of them were safe. However, Natsumi might have taken the meaning of the sigh in a wrong way and brought her eyebrows closer while looking at Shidou’s direction. “………What, you got a problem? Unsatisfied because I came?” “No, no way at all……..More importantly, why are you two here?” When Shidou asked, Yoshino and Natsumi looked at each other before opening their mouth. “Err……….I was giving a tour of the city for Natsumi-san……” “Right when we were doing so, we saw you walking with Origami for some reason. So, Yoshino was curious about it and decided to follow you then-----“ “Na-natsumi-san……….” Yoshino pulled the sleeves of Natsumi’s clothes. Natsumi [Haa] face turned red and she grabbed Yoshino’s shirt sleeves too. Both of them were shyly pulling each other’s shirt……………it was a weird scenery. -DAL vol 10
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 12:31:31 +0000

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