ON MY MIND FACEBOOK ASKS WELL NOW LET ME SEE I am in a war with a columnist from the Arizona Republic and when i write to counter him I do not get published so it will be here on face book that I write to a much smaller audience than I want to reach ON THE STAFF There are 3 columnists that suffer OBAMA DERANGEMENT SYNDROME ~~ In case anyone does not know what that is ~IT IS A SICKNESS THAT allows racists, bigots, hypocrites, and UNAWARE others to blame anything in the world that goes wrong on President Obama The one I take special issue with suffers from another syndrome It is the MEXICAN STUDIES PROGRAM DERANGEMENT SYNDROME, a result of a course that was taught in TUCSON UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT his apparent fear is that high school Mexicans will learn of their past injustices piled upon them (I AR ONE) and will learn to hate America under the tutilege of their leftist liberal Marxist teachers I AM NOT MAKING THIS UP ~~ There are other good (as in fair) columnists but they are usually not given as much space on the editorial pages and they do not stretch the truth or express biboted racist opinions The racists i refer to are the type that are not even aware (fingers crossed) of their racism and cannot or will not make the connection that it is because of President Blakenstein the monster created by an election in the UNITED STATES OFAMERICA that assumedly cannot have a black president especially one smarter than them and from (shudder) KENYA END OF CHAPTER ONE TO BE CONTINUED BY MOI Arcelio Arty Martinez your local communist liberal leftist pinko Mexican loving (I are one) unAmerican Democrat who hates lying televangelists and right wing haters who hate in the name of Christ
Posted on: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 02:24:25 +0000

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