ONEILL MUST STEP DOWN AS PRIME MINISTER By George Kapinias _____________________________________________________________ The Prime Minister is the Chairman of the National Executive Council which comprise of all the State Ministers. This Prime Minister in this Government is Hon. Peter ONeill and he is the Member for Ialibu Pangia Electorate in Papua New Guinea. Being the Prime Minister Peter ONeill has the Ultimate Power to (1) APPOINT MINISTERS, (2) CHANGE MINISTERS IRRESPECTIVE of their PERFORMANCES, and (3) MAKE THE FINAL DECISION ON ALL NEC SUBMISSIONS BY THE MINISTERS. In Summary the Prime Minister is the MOST SUPREME LEADER of GOVERNMENT BUSINESS IN PNG. By virtue of these powers ONeill has been dictating almost all NEC Decisions whilst being the Chairman or allowed his Chief of Staff ISSAC LAPARI to technically dress the outcome of many NEC decisions to reflect his (ONeill) thoughts in his absence. The Office of the NEC is arranged to facilitate the INTEREST of THE PRIME MINISTER and the person that ensures that all NEC Decisions are attired to SERVE ONeill interest is his Chief of Staff ISSAC LUPARI. All the State Ministers know that ONeill has micromanaged all State Institutions, especially Financial Institutions or State Institutions that have big expenditure ceilings. Some of the Institutions that ONeill has directly interfered and took complete control are; (1) Ministry for Public Enterprises, All State Owned Enterprises & IPBC, (2) Ministry for Works and Works Dept, (3) Ministry for Finance and Finance Dept, (4) Ministry for Treasury and Treasury Dept (5) Ministry for National Planning & Dept of National Planning, (6) Petroleum Ministry and Dept of Petroleum & Energy, and (7) Mining Ministry and Dept of Mining, (8) Education Ministry & Dept of Education and (9) Health Ministry and Dept of Education and Ministry for Housing & NHC (NHEL). The Ministers appointed into these Ministries are RUBBER STAMPS with NO AUTHORITY. That means Prime Minister Peter ONeill single handedly runs this country. NEC is ONeill RUBBER STAMP just to stamp his PERSONAL DECISIONS without due care for its implication on the country. Lately we have seen ONeill sacking Hon. Don Polye and Hon. William Duma because he felt that they will be questioning his DECISION on the UBS DEAL. Treasury Minister Polye was sacked because he vehemently OPPOSED ONEILL when the Prime Minister insisted on the State to purchase 10.1% of Oil Search Limited. Considering the amount of liabilities imposed on the State it is logical that common sense that Parliament should be informed to make a decision. It is the role of the NEC to substantiate and justify why such a decision should be made, outlining all the pros and cons and let the Parliament decide on what is best for the country. It is NOT right for the Prime Minister to bulldoze this decision in NEC and AGAINST the Treasurers position. WHAT IS THE RUSH FOR and WHERE IS THE RATIONAL ??? In my NEXT POST I will disclose all the details of What Actually Happened, How it happened and Who were involved. IT IS ABOUT TIME THE PRIME MINISTER MUST GO!!!!!!!!! PNC. PPP, NA and URP must WORK TOGETHER to make sure a NEW PRIME MINISTER IS APPOINTED. Finally the UNITECH and PNG POWER CRISIS are artificial diversion that ONEILL deliberately created and prolonged so that HE (ONeill) can CASH OUT HEAVILY on the 10.1 % State Purchase in OSL............... THIS IS CLEAR DAY LIGHT ROBBERY and RAPING of the POOR !! ONEILL NEEDS TO GO BEHIND THE BAR. Its NOT PNC but ITS PETER ONEILL......................
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 13:24:39 +0000

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