ONLY IN NIGERIA By Mazi Odera Click for Full Image Size - TopicsExpress


ONLY IN NIGERIA By Mazi Odera Click for Full Image Size Anyone who wants to move this WORLD, should only move by him/herself By: akoaso,Hamburg-Germa More Quotes | Submit Quote Do not say i told you,i did not say so because you know so,yet i hate to remind us because Nigerians have collection of diminish memory. It is only in Nigeria that,,,,,,You get a sitting Patricia Etteh ,who was suppose to be the lead icon in our House of Rogues as the first Female Speaker ,sorry i mean house of Reps ,but instead for her to help and make policies [tongue in check,we have no policy unless the one that empowers the rich to steal with might and be protected or one that gave powers to the North or Boko Haram for all] ,she openly and brazenly stole over 680 million of our collective Naira and wrote it off as Fund for Renovation of rented Apartment ,an apartment that cost 11 million Naira from Foundation to finishing..... What did we do to her ? we smiled ,pointed finger ,left ,right ,center and we all look forward .....forward to what ? Only in Nigeria do we have another House of Rogue Speaker ,who replaced a roguish speaker Pat Etteh in the name of Bankole ,he came in and observered that nothing whatsoever happened to his predecessor who made Armed Robbers look like Choir boys, and he instantly ,on his first week on the Job , made sure that 20 Billion Naira was appropriated,i did not say Mis-appropriated because he appropriate it into his personal account and what did we do as a people ? we smiled ,pointed finger ,left ,right ,center and we all look forward .....forward to what ? Only in NIgeria that a man who murdered a sitting head of state General Umunnakwe Aguiyi Ironsi, who was slaughtered,butchered ,dragged like a doll on the road by Theophilius Danjuma according to history .Only in Nigeria ,we promoted the scorn to General for Killing our Head of state who happened to bear a name that identified him as Igbo man ,even though he lived his life as Awusa just to please the Northerners ,all his security and confidants are of the Northern extraction,yet he was mercilessly killed by Danjuma and to reward such act ,Theophilus Danjuma was bestowed with 3 oil wells and he has being a power broker from Government to another Government...and what did we do ?........we smiled ,pointed finger ,left ,right ,center and we all look forward .....forward to what ? Only at Nigeria Airpot can one see more than 20 different Government agencies trying openly to extort money from passengers,the Customs demand and receive bribe openly,many people walking the corridors of Airpot with Agbada ,some you have never heard of the commission they represent ,but they walk around with Walkie Talkie that never work and all they do is to see if there is any person that will vomit something,,,,FAST FORWARD.....Move down to our Road Borders,from Afrawao that Borders Ghana and Togo,to Togo and Benin border ,it takes less than 10 minutes to clear border,,,,,move down to NIGERIA side on Cotonou,there are about 16 CUSTOM check points,14 NDLEA posts,6 Immigration posts.e with me.. Customs are always stationed at Borders to check goods coming into nations,but in Nigerian side of Cotonou ,after you clear Border Customs, you get into Nigeria and will meet another 14 Custom post ,which means they are plainly and openly saying that the Customs at the Borders are Morons ,incompetent,utter useless ,so when they finish doing whatever they are mandated to do at the Port ,those inside the Town will re-do them differently and 14 different locations ....from Cotonou to Mile 2 takes 6 hours ,a journey of 30 minutes including bad roads ,but the Customs located at different locations ,just to extort more money and make life a living Hell for Nigerians will not allow you to make the journey in less than 6 hours at least. Then you also wonder what Immigrations are doing at different locations in town along same route?,as if Nigeria has no bad name and they need to advertise our stupidity ,when they are suppose to do whatever duty they have at the Point of entry ?. How about when through out Nigeria it is only at the middle of ORE/BENIN that Customs are located..Then at the Entrance of Igboland ,at the foot of River Niger there are NIGERIAN CUSTOMS ,which makes me to ask ,does it mean they are treating us as another Country ? why do they specifically locate Customs at the entrance of Alaigbo ? What did our SINATORS AND HOUSE OF ROGUES did to that Effect ? ,when they should have demanded to know why ? when they should demand that such absurdity should be perished ,when they should demand that if that is the new thing, then every state border should have Customs and not limited to Alaigbo only ,well they did nothing ,and i wonder what is the use of having those Idiots when they cannot represent us well ? and what did we do ?........we smiled ,pointed finger ,left ,right ,center and we all look forward .....forward to what ? Only in Nigeria do we have Mrs Ibru swindle the heck out of OCEANIC BANK and render it peniless to the effect that it was sold to ECO BANK and ,Eco bank refuses to honor checks or make payment to any account opened with Oceanic. Mrs Ibru bought more than 20 Mega houses in Dubai,many also in London and other places and what did we do to her ? Our court smiled ,part her on the shoulder and ask her to go and sin once more . What did we do as the masses?,,,,,,,,,,,,,, we smiled ,pointed finger ,left ,right ,center and we all look forward .....forward to what ? In Lagos ,former capital of Nigeria,the base of Alaye or say out law,there the Governor Babatunde Raji Fashola confiscated ,then divided all the Federal Roads in the state,he commercialised it by marking out lanes for BRT Buses ,a venture of Lagos State Government.If He is a lawyer as some people wanted us to think ,he should know that ,He needs the permission of the Federal Government before he can embark on such exercise and that also will mean that he will be paying some commiserations to the Federal for using thier roads. That was not so ,the painful aspect of this mess is that ,some months ago,this arrogant Governor stopped a MILLITARY COLONEL ,who was dressed in a full Mililitary gear ,driving an Army official Car and was on official duties ,driving on a Federal Road .Then Fashola stopped and disgraced the Uniform,the Federal strenght,the Army that is the symbol of National security,the might of the nation was reduced to ALAYE bravado. Had our Military has some Balls ,or should i say it this way ,if the Milllitary officer happened to be from the core North ,i am sure the Soldiers would,ve taught Fashola that messing with the Army is like declaring war on the nation. But,Fashola did that and the Army who has the ultimate right of way ,in this instance a federal road at that ,they allowed such insolence to prevail. To reach the rank of Colonel in Nigerian Army ,is not the same as having Bola Tinubu enthrone you as his puppet,it is never a political appointment,it is not to be decided by legitimate and illegitimate voters,it is an institution that commands respect even if they are poorly recognised. What did the Army and Federal Government did in other to address such insult ? They smiled ,pointed finger ,left ,right ,center and we all look forward .....forward to what ? Only in Nigeria do we have Northern retired Generals sponsor and protect terrorist ,such as Boko Haram and the Presidency is too scared to declare state of Emergency on that state,too scared to cage the Generals or give them hell to show them the difference between Ex-Head of State and incumbent President,he was so scared that he prefer to go to Brazil and dance Kokoma instead of acting like the COMMANDER IN CHIEF OF THE ARMED FORCES ,NOBODY told him that you cannot negotiate peace from point of weakness.To battle bullies ,you have to bully them into submission but that we do not have and even the members of our both houses [another waste of our resources ,because they are duplicating the duties of each other..i wonder what the Sinators are doing different from House of Rogues],this two set of garbage refused to provide alternative to the eradication of the menace.....did i forget that ,if any group from East raise a banner of flag with rising Star ,they will be arrested and prosecuted for treason ,while the Niger Deltians has declared self another country and nothing happened.Boko Haram has taking killing to another height. it is only in Nigeria that we have double standard,one for the east and good ones for the North.What did we do as a nation ? We smiled ,pointed finger ,left ,right ,center and we all look forward .....forward to what ? It is only in Nigeria you can never enter University and say you will graduate after the mandated period ,because strike and other things will make it impossible ,finishing 3 years after is not the problem ,but getting job after is. In Nigeria ,you get a student of Zoology working in a Bank,while a graduate of Banking and Finance walks the road for years looking for job. In Nigeria nothing is impossible and therefore Impossible becomes nothing.. Please somebody should give me back my country and give me an ALTERNATIVE,i am tired of this NATION IN LIMBO,a Comatosic nation and a nation without future.
Posted on: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 04:28:48 +0000

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