OPERATING AGREEMENT This Operating Agreement will be the - TopicsExpress


OPERATING AGREEMENT This Operating Agreement will be the basic outline design to get us rolling until we complete the full definitions of the ongoing discussion to reintroduce H4M&M/New Partnership (Receiver of this Letter) as a new joint venture between the ‘Owners’ of the Company, Collaborative Partners and Clients/Talents interest and merger in a formal legal structure . What I hope to have this document do is, it will attempt to guide Us all in our principal roles as Executive Directors in Our respective companies, with specific area of responsibilities and governing rights to be adjusted and legitimize as we continue to develop the Brand through a much more expanded prospectus to reflect any new discovered or additional contribution to enhance the value brought forward into the Newly Merged Entity or recreated brand. Therefore, the languages used here henceforth, will not be final, yet binding, to the extent that it gives a rough description of our ongoing desire to become working partners towards a common goal of Ownership, with the necessary compensation and percentile breakdowns, asset allocations of each owners stock, equity and percentages to be presented to Legal/Lawyers for finalization. We am very glad to be working on this operating agreement to gives us a chance to list out the opportunities that has materialized these past several weeks. The Opportunity to resuscitate a brand such as the H4M&M/S4 and All other Brands that will be envisioned is something that any creative team will relish, and I for one, understand the historical significance and lineage of the vision that We, the Original Founders, had in the early years. With the difficulty of getting kids to brick and mortar to source products with low yield and high shelf life, it has made the cost of operating such an enterprise too expenses, and thus, it becomes unmanageable. Since our introduction and excitement to move forward, I have taken the time to analyse the business model suitable for engaging all our interest for you to counter. Please feel free to add any other sequences that I may have omitted or overlook. We am hoping that we can come to terms with the structure and strategy for the New opportunities. There are several areas of tangible and intangible assets that will require subjective valuation. Though it may be complex in its existence, the ability to be open and flexible towards its capitalization will be instrumental in our attempt to ascertain a more robust valuation as we develop new lines of Credit, Relationships with Legitimate financial contribution to enhance our operating capital, PPE and other hard assets, Management rights, Patents, Copyrights, Talents, and any other form of value we may discover as we progress with our initiatives towards a proper value of both companies. We have identified an extensive amount of sourcing and grades of implementation within the area of focus, which is the “Board” Members as our main target for the focus of the company’s initiatives. The Operation of such an enterprise to offer new apparel designs on high performance, stylish apparels and footwear will be the main focus for any company looking to grow within this segment of industry that has shown its popularity within the last 25 years. Its a sport where its business fundamentals are driving by the active participation of Youths looking to exhaust their limitless energy on products that yields more in brand retention for an advertising age driving by ‘Eyeballs’ rather than any oil or sustainable reserves, as long as there are people being born. We therefore recognize the potential of our assets and industry. Once we establish a plan of implementation on whether to outsource certain aspects from our manufacturing through to sales, we will be require to come up with a coecient plan to organized all applicable networks of these systems. An application and Customer Relationship Management platform will enable Our Team members and partners to build a communication feedback to run the business. We will use mobile applications to route orders to the manufacturer, management and accounting factors to maintain a fluid information processing to provide a transparent mode of convention for H4M&M. We live in a connected world and havin such platform to our partners and manufacturing, to our distributive methods in warehousing and then having the sites link for order intakes to be completed within expedited shipping costing arrangements passed on to the consumer, will be Our focus. We have several other feedback software applications that may alleviate the inefficiencies within the production and manufacturing roll outs in order to secure a practical business model that will become the S4 Design Laboratory, which in my opinion will become a fresh new direction to be introduce to existing legendary great skaters like Pat Washington and Stevie Williams and their fans. Consumers looking to expressive themselves and posting it online will attract new and engaging customers within the Millennials. In the past several years we have all been subjected to incredible economic and political changes in our various careers professionally and personally. From failed projects that only came to be partially realized, unsubstantiated personal that were inadequate to handle the many roles required to build a solid company that can offer the products it touts, to being blindsided by external economic and sociological impacts within the financial sector, housing and now technology and social media. Our approach to be a Brand to be reckoned with will require a series of strategic planning involving the many skills and talents we each bring to the table. I am very excited to be finally working on something that is not only a passion to all those involve, but it appears natural and seamless in its aggregation....Everyone wants in...The Owners, the Riders and Talents, and most of all, We feel that the Consumers will want in. Strategy In big companies, management teams focus on achieving the right level of vertical integration. The pendulum has swung from Henry Fords buying ships and railroads—and even a rubber plantation in Brazil to ensure his supply of tires—to Boeings radical outsourcing of Dreamliner components, and more recently, back to greater ownership of upstream and downstream assets by companies as different as Pepsi and Oracle. With various degree of verticalization now made possible by information and communications technologies, the right scope of operations for any given firm is an open question. Let me suggest, however, that it is the wrong question to obsess about. Efficient production—through whatever combination of ownership and partnering—is now table stakes. Customers assume you can cobble together an offering without defects at low cost. Meanwhile, what they really respond to is a brand experience that is coherent and consistently pleasurable. Today, Our management team that we have to assemble will be giving more thought to horizontal integration. Customers expectations have been raised by the handful of sellers, such as Amazon, Virgin Atlantic, and Apple, that manage to provide integrated experiences that are so distinctive and pervasive as to be branded—that is, uniquely associated with their names. But most companies arent able to deliver such satisfying experiences because theyre too siloed internally. This is what I believe in my assessment of the old business model, may have occurred to diminish the old Skating Theme Business models. Brand experience is the outward expression of what goes on inside an organization, and its hard to wallpaper over structures split by inconsistent goals and cultures that do not value collaboration. Decades of tweaking levels of vertical versus horizontal integration have left deep impressions on organizations. When your goal is to optimize sourcing, clean internal separations make the puzzle easier for managers: engineers do the engineering, marketers do the marketing, the designers do the designing, and so forth. A lack of overlap makes it easier to shift any given piece inside or outside the companys walls. When your organization is so compartmentalized, each group learns to do its own job according to its own metrics, without worrying about the folks down the hall. Managers describe their workflows as ‘waterfalls’ but for the customers interacting with the company, the handoffs dont seem so fluid.This kind of fragmentation commonly results from growth. In a tiny startup, the hand-picked team of coworkers collaborates naturally. Everyone is communicating and working toward a common purpose, or they would not be there in the first place. This was certainly true in the early days of Helium 4 Music when it was just me, an engineer, three designers, a couple of signed Artist and a project manager. We sat together in a single room and everyone knew what everyone else was suppose to be doing, and why we were there, though it seldom turned out that way, I was happy with results because I knew we were in unchartered territories and anything we did to, was a major plus. Now we have to grow through new challenges in Generational, Cultural, Skilled levels and other differences, that we all bring to a dozen different disciplines, handling 25 complex projects simultaneously, and hoping that our collaboration takes effort without so much having financing in place. Our ability to provide the plans to make this work with a collective integrated experience will be key. We can’t take that for granted. Now my horizontal concerns keep me awake nights. For a leader trying to ensure customers value their experience, three things are essential to the organization: a passionately articulated purpose (to make money is not sufficient),; a crystal-clear understanding of who all of this work is being done for; and people tasked to be integrators, to foster human connections and champion the organizations purpose The first two are a matter of reinforcing the focus that allowed the enterprise to get off the ground in the first place. The most horizontally integrated companies are those that proclaim their purpose and values loudly, so internal groups can work with a common end in mind. Ideally, those goals are defined in terms of customer experiences: There has to be a spirit of giving back to the community and the world that we are attempting to access the rich resources to grow the business, of a world of self-sufficient natural explorers, for example, of reclaiming the ‘Ideals’ that would empowered American family’s to be both discerning and thrifty, through our cost structure, charitable givebacks, Cause Partnerships, Fundraising and Awareness Programs.... They will all be a massive focus within the company, and I recommend that it becomes a Mission Statements as well as a business initiative within Syndicates new roll out. As designers, one of the first tasks we undertake is understanding; why. Once your organizations purpose is clear, determining next steps is far easier, and success is far more likely. The third thing on the list is a challenge that comes with growth. The organizations shift to a more hierarchical structure when will reach a threshold of something like 100 people I know will become challenging, this size is the upper limit if every member is to have a personal relationship with every other member, but with software applications and Customer Relations Management systems now in vast supplies, managing 1200 people globally will not be such a daunting task. As organizations begin to sprawl, more active leadership is required to keep them from acting at cross-purposes. This is why an orchestra needs a conductor and a rock band does not; why a movie needs a director, but an improv troupe works alone. Small startups do not always need attentive managers, but large companies cannot offer an integrated experience without them. My point in referring to these key managerial roles as integrators is to encourage collaborative behavior. This is not as simple as organizing and delegating tasks—it is a messy, ambiguous undertaking. Collaboration also demands a corporate culture that values client results over departmental efficiency or independent virtuosity. It demands a culture that rewards learning through failure and encourages people to outside their comfort zones. This is more than most companies are willing to do. Yet experience teaches us when individuals do not have to worry about making themselves look good, they are able to concentrate on delivering meaningful and memorable brand experiences. Even though we are in the business of Branding, I have witness the corrosive nature of putting Personality above Principals, and we must resist the temptation at all cost. Ambiguity and fuzziness have never frightened me as much as someone trained to follow the numbers. I studied design, which values synthesis and connection; fragmentation is what frightens me. We owe a debt of gratitude to the analytical thinkers who have sorted out, and keep sorting out, the right level of vertical integration for modern business. However, whether it is fair or not, customers today care more about the experience you provide than your internal efficiency. If we want to succeed, we must shift our focus to horizontal integration to meet the comments and conversation within Social Media Marketing where the ‘Consumer’ is no longer a consumer, but a attentive and engaging ‘Audience’, meaning the never leave the ‘Store’ if you know how to engage them. This level of the business we may have a short term advantage with my research and securing of an intellectual proprietary application that will facilitate the marketing and awareness of Our brands to reduce the annual cost associated with marketing. Since 60-83% of expenses now a days are used in branding and advertising, the companies that applies innovative marketing strategies in the advertising campaigns have grown serendipitously over the past several years. I feel and know to a great extent, the working modes of these Social SEO’s and its ergonomic functionalities to be certain of its success. I have executed several of these campaigns to successful Brands and Celebrities. Basic Mission Guidelines that we must adhere to: 1:Demand Full Upgraded Verifiable Membership of any entity who wishes to offer or promote funding. 2: Following details should be mandatory-; 2:1 Name of Corporate Entity: 2:2 Domicile & Registration Number: 2:3 Free Email is accepted but Official Corporate Email is required at registration: 2:4 Website - Detailing Manifest of Services 2:5 Listing of CEO, Board of Directors, Management with Photos. 2:6 Three year Corporate Accounts availability on demand 2:7 Name & Address of Attorney & Auditor 2:8. References 2:9 Projects Financed History 2:10 List of Regional Representation. Thank you very much for your effort and time beforehand as I am excited and inspired to work with a team looking to be part of something life changing and possibly historic. We live in an incredibly dynamic and changing world with new consumers coming into it everyday, there are no shortages of customers, just ideas, and we have plenty of those. So lets get cracking and put some work into it. We will need to do some series of start up capital investing from Executives involve but our overall structure, once implemented will be guaranteed enough to gain more operational capital. Our ultimate theme is to use the least amount of capital since we have opportunities and resources at our disposal that can net immediate revenue and sponsorship packages. I can write all the necessary decks, video decks, designing apps, paying for contractors, sites and engineering partners etc....but I will need new equipments, living expenses and a few minor things to get going. Thus, upon our agreeing, we have to initiate this funding immediately and proceed towards our goals. I am however, positioned with the SBA and Veterans Administration to receive funding for ‘any’ Venture I want to invest in, so bare in mind we do have extensive amount of resources. Again, Thank You and looking forward to a ‘New Life For All Of Us’ Sincerely John K Buahin, CEO H4M&M/ Prospective Partner kbuahin@gmail https://docs.google/document/d/18p_gv0zkZ-E49zmQIegJVgg6JPM8Cb5KuPoE1azTN4I/edit?usp=sharing https://youtube/user/kbuahin/videos?sort=dd&shelf_id=1&view=0
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 15:26:57 +0000

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