OPERATION: “PAYBACK TIME” ON THE WAR CRIMNIALS OF AshkeNAZI ZIONIST ISRAEL AND THEIR FINAL SOLUTION PART II By E.F. Mohammed Martinez To the regret of many including myself, there is absolute no question that Adolf Hitler was right all along in his attempt to rid this planet’s scourge of “humanity”…, the war criminal apartheid Zionist “Israeli” Jews! As it is, the descendants of these former German concentration camp Zionist Jews that Hitler did not “bake” or sent to their “showers” with no water of course, are today seen as nothing less or better than a subhuman disease infected canker sore oozing of a euthanized dead rabid dog’s carcass! These are the same “Israeli” Zionist Jews who are behaving exactly like Satan’s unruly children as “they” mimic their former Nazi German S.S. slave masters who failed to “finish” their objective…, THE FINAL SOLUTION PART I! Because of Hitler’s failure to terminate his task almost 70 years ago, it’s now up to those concerned to continue and implement the good riddance of these contaminated pestilent filthy vermin cockroach people…, the AshkeNAZI Zionist pro ‘Israeli” Jews ala the non-lethal FINAL SOLUTION PART II! What is the new and improved non-lethal Zionist pro “Israeli” Jewish FINAL SOLUTION PART II? Without having to fire a single shot in anger against these Zionist pro “Israeli” Jew enemies…, “they” can be decimated as an evil sleazy money grubbing “people” through their bank accounts and monopolized economic infrastructure! Their almighty “Benjamin Franklin$” (One Hundred Dollar Bills) are the ONLY Gods these blood sucking Jews worship! If these Zionist Jews are socially and economically were to be weakened and obliterated on a global scale, “they” can be stopped from sending their money (Your money!) from being sent to the AshkeNAZI state of Zionist “Israel” whereas with their contribution$ they continue their wanton oppression and murders of the Palestinian civilian men, women and children of Gaza! This objective to destroy the Zionist Jews socially and economically can ONLY function successfully if everyone is informed, educated and their conscience is raised. If the masses of oppressed people throughout the world becomes as one organized anti-Zionist entity, “they” can be totally wiped out as an evil Zionist “Israeli” fascist empire! ONLY then this strategy can obliterate world Jewish Zionism, otherwise this will NEVER become a successful endeavor…, “OPERATION; “PAYBACK TIME”! In order to implement Operation; “Payback Time!” at hand and be able to make it an ongoing anti-Zionist project without abatement, it must be a collective effort by ALL the global pro Palestinian supporters simultaneously from every non-white Third World nation. WE global people of color should NOT depend on the white European nations to much and the Jewish run and owned AmeriKKKa, except maybe for the heroic people of Spain whom I witnessed on video as the Spaniards clashed with the Jewish Pro-“Israel” Zionist Nazis. The Spaniards are already ahead of themselves as they have already successfully beat “them” to a bloody pulp on their own streets of Spain! However, WE must make a clarification that not all white people are racist xenophobes and not all racist xenophobes are white people either! The oppressed must NEVER become the oppressors! Presidents of certain Latin American nations from (See You Tube) , including President, Evo Morales of Peru have officially classified Zionist “Israel” as a “Terrorist State”. The leaders of these countries have begun to take action against this illegal war criminal exclusive Jewish “nation” as its “Israeli” citizens and its government junta are now considered “persona non grata (unwelcome). There is no doubt that other non-Spanish speaking Third World nations, i.e., Africa, Asia and even a few European nations will also take part in denouncing and deporting out their own countries ALL Zionist Jews residing or visiting their respective nations, without exceptions…, especially if caught flying their Star of David illegal “national” flag in their possession which indicates where their loyalty lies! Let ALL Zionist pro “Israeli” Jews know that there is no longer any place in the non-white world and that “they” are no longer welcome in their countries! GOOGLE: *South Americans in Israel are shocked by new anti-Israel attitudes back home “Since Israel launched its ground incursion into Gaza, five Latin American nations — Ecuador, Brazil, Chile, Peru and El Salvador — have recalled their ambassadors, harshly condemning Israel for the latest round of violence. Last week Bolivia, which in 2009 severed diplomatic ties with Israel over Operation Cast Lead, canceled a long-standing visa-exemption for visiting Israelis.” As for those known Jewish owned businesses in foreign countries, conventional wisdom says that “they” should be expelled and their businesses confiscated or whatever its own citizens should deem their fate to rid of these “Yamahaha” wearing unwanted refuse. Let ALL the Zionist Jews throughout the globe be on notice that there is absolutely no place for “them” to run or hide anymore! DO NOT allow these Jewish owned businesses to continue in operation. This will discourage “them” from sending their money (Your money!) to prop up a war criminal nation such as Zionist “Israel” all the while our Palestinian brethren are being slaughtered by these Satan’s pile pf subhuman Jewish excrement! This is part of the “Israeli” aid ($$$) that Jews receive from their fellow Zionist “travelers” from foreign countries, including the biggest portion comes from Zionist Jew owned fascist AmeriKKKa! The aid Zionist “Israel” gets annually is in the BILLION$! Expelling ALL Zionist Jews from sovereign foreign nations on a global scale is like finding a pestilent terminal cancer cure! EXPEL the enemy Jew dogs once and for all! These actions against ALL flag waving Star of David Zionist Jews found in the globe is the least ALL good people of conscience can do to avenge the GENOCIDE of the innocent civilian non-combatant men, women and children who have been murdered within these last few weeks to present date! Let us ALL remind the Zionist Jews wherever they can be found that “they” have blood on their hands and there will ALWAYS be bad blood for these animals for ALL eternity! There will NEVER be one single moment of “peace” with the war criminal Jews of Zionist “Israel” for ALL eternity! ONLY their death will suffice the Palestinian people of Gaza who have are still alive and who have lost their loved ones by a people who can ONLY be categorized as less than what “they” were supposed to be! …Soap bars, lamp shades and fertilizer mulch! “SAVE THE WORLD…, MUG A ZIONIST ISRAELI RABID JEW DOG!” DEATH TO ZIONIST “ISRAEL”! I REST MY REVOLUTIONARY CASE! Allah Akbar! E.F. Mohammed Martinez – A HAMAS JIHADIST FOR GAZA, PALESTINE! LET THE WORLD KNOW! DEJENSELO SABER AL MUNDO ENTERO! SOURCE: haaretz/news/national/.premium-1.609101
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 03:38:13 +0000

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