ORES FEATURED GEMSTONE: Moonstone by Stephanie - TopicsExpress


ORES FEATURED GEMSTONE: Moonstone by Stephanie Pflumm Moonstone is a member of the Feldspar crystal family. This unique crystal group seems to have been growing over the last couple of hundred years. My oldest geology reference book (the first English copyright is dated 1904, could not find the original German copyright) recognizes six different Feldspars. One of the more recent references I found on the internet notes over 40 different varieties, many have only been identified in the last 150 years or less. I find this intriguing. Its one of the reasons I decided to write a new Moonstone article and begin researching Feldspars for a future article. Moonstone is likely the most well known of the Feldspar family. Its luminous sheen has captured the eyes of humans for a few thousand years. This shimmering play of light across the surface of the gemstone is call the schiller effect or adularescence (after the Adularia Moonstone). It is caused when layers of Feldspar with differing refractive indexes grow into each other and become compressed under pressure. In Moonstone, layers of Orthoclase and Albite Feldspar are woven together in such a way that the crystal structure interferes with lights attempt to penetrate the crystal. Thus creating the effect of light skimming along the surface. Clear to white Moonstones that flash blue are the most popular and rare of the crystals. Not all Feldspars exhibit the schiller effect, but the most popular ones used in jewelry do; Moonstone, Labradorite, Sunstone and Amazonite. Moonstone is the most colorful member of this family. Specimens can be clear to white with a blue flash, peach, pink and smoky colors that flash a silvery sheen Chemically, Moonstone is composed of aluminum, silicate (Quartz) and potassium. It grows in pegmatites or is found in massive formations in igneous stones. Huge chunks the size of a mans fist and larger, are pulled from gooey deposits of kaolin (a clay like substance that is the weathered by-product of some Feldspars). The quality of Adularia or Rainbow Moonstone that comes from the Ceylonese deposits and mines is unrivaled. Moonstone found in the Swiss Alps often occurs as thin barrel like crystals. They frequently form four separate crystals that grow into each other, creating very unique twins. Brazil, India, Madagascar, North America, Tanzania and Europe all have some gemstone quality Moonstone deposits. India has held the Moonstone sacred since ancient times. It is considered an especially powerful tool for lovers. Wearing the crystals will arouse tender passions and make the heart receptive to receive romantic intentions. Lovers who placed a Moonstone under their tongues during a full Moon may see their future together. To reconcile after a bitter fight, the couple would each take a Moonstone, place it over their heart and empower it with their love. They would then exchange the gemstone with each other and their discord would dissolve. Moonstones for sale in India are only displayed on a yellow cloth, a sacred color for a sacred gemstone. The Moonstone Temple of Anuradhapura was built on Ceylon around 100 BC. According to legend, the steps of the temple were decorated with a mosaic of Moonstones. Ruins are the only thing left to see of the antique temple and its fabled steps. Antoine Mizauld wrote in 1531 of a friend that owned a Moonstone whose refractive qualities would wane and wax in sync with the Moon. Borrowing the gemstone, Mizauld observed the crystal over the course of a month and noted that the appearance of the Moonstone did change as the Moon moved through her phases. Pope Leo X was also said to be in possession on a Moonstone that behaved in a similar fashion, but I could not find a reference linking the stones. Romans believed the crystal was created by the Moons light. It was frequently used in ceremonies to honor Diana, their Moon Goddess. Her image was said to be enclosed by the stone and whomever possessed it would would receive her blessings of love, wealth, wisdom and victory. This connection to the lunar cycle and energies have given the Moonstone a reputation as a powerful intuitive tool. Many traditions and spells call for using the crystal for divination during either the full or void phase of Grandmother. This month while I was carrying my Moonstone the playoffs and Superbowl were happening. Normally I could care less about football games. Though I do enjoy watching young athletes play games. I knew that the Tampa Bay Buccaneers would win their division and the following Sunday I knew they would win the Super Bowl. Grandmothers cycle was waning when both games were played. Or use these Lunar energies to regulate your sleeping cycles. You can use your Moonstone as a wishing tool. While holding or meditating with your Moonstone visualize your wish, see your life as it can be when your wish is fulfilled. Be strong and sure of what your wish for, your intensity and passion are what will drive the crystals power. The gemstone will absorb the energy of your intent to accomplish this wish and charge or empower the cycles around you to bring your wish to fruition. Lovers may wish to exchange Moonstones. Test its powers to arouse passion, to promote tenderness and romance. Try the Indian tradition of placing the gems under your tongues during the full Moon and see what the future may hold for your love. Use the reflective qualities of this gemstone to make dramatic changes in your life. During a meditation with the stone, the Moonstone becomes your mirror and see it reflecting back those habits or behaviors youd like to change. Examine them in a critical light, recognize without mercy the real impact they have on your life and health. Then just as Grandmother Moon withers into the new or void Moon, see your unwanted habits wither away until they disappear. Just before or at new Moon bury your Moonstone or toss it away along the roadside, believing the unwanted aspects of your life are behind you. Women wishing to become pregnant or during their pregnancy may want to adopt a Moonstone as a companion crystal. They are said to lighten the burden of your pregnancy and ease the pain and fear of labor. Some traditions encourage the use of the crystal to promote fertility and it may help relief menstrual pain. It should help your bodys cycle become more balanced with natures rhythms making the hormonal variations of a womans chemistry less traumatic. The crystal may be useful in alleviating allergic reactions to bee stings or insect bites. It was once thought to help eliminate toxins from the body. *** Moonstone: The Travelers Stone Moonstone honors the Goddess in all women. This stone helps women (and men) to be more comfortable with their gentler feminine/yin receiving side. This stone is also an excellent remedy for overly aggressive females or for men who need to connect to their more feminine/emotional side. Its connection to the moon has been documented for centuries. Because of its shimmering, glossy nature its color plays off the light as does the moon. Like the moon as it waxes and wanes, this reflective stone allows us the lesson that everything is a part of the cycle of change. Moonstone is considered the stone of new beginnings. Moonstone is most famous for balancing our emotional states. Emotional states are connected to the water element, which are connected to the cycles of the moon and tides and therefore, has a strong relationship to a womens menstrual cycle. Therefore, moonstone is one of the best stones for soothing emotional stress and anxiety. Moonstone helps cool, soothe and calm over-reactions to emotional and personal situations. It allows us greater flexibility and flow with life. Moonstone has been used for protection against the perils of travel. It encourages a lust for life, a youthful attitude and helps us to become comfortable with the aging process and its transitions. Moonstones emotional connection makes it most effective when placed at the 2nd or Sacral/Spleen Chakra. Known to be of ancient spiritual significance in its connection to the moon and the intuitive aspect of ones nature, the source of our intuition is often described as our gut feeling found at the Solar Plexus Chakra. This energy center deals with the human ego, emotions and self-power. Placing moonstone on the solar plexus helps to show us our old emotional patterns which, we hold on to. It can be used to work on dissolving these patterns that no longer serve us. Although, the Third Eye Chakra is most associated with intuition, the spark is what is felt in the area of our solar plexus. This being the biggest nerve center in our body connected to almost all the organs. This is also where the connection between the three lower Chakra interchange with the four higher Chakra energy centers. Therefore, use moonstone to promote your intuitive and empathic nature. Use it also to encourage lucid dreaming, especially at the time of the full moon. It is the perfect stone for the Emotional Layer of the Aura. Moonstone is a great stone for meditation and helping with unconditional love. Since it heightens our understanding of nature and concerns for the environment, it is an essential stone for agriculturists and farmers alike. Moonstone encourages creativity, imagination, inspiration and awareness. It also has been used throughout history to bring good luck. Feng Shui: Moonstone should be used in the Northwest corner for travel or in the Center area for grounding, balance, good health, spirituality and protection. Use in the West area for projects and creativity or in the Southwest for love (be sure and use two moonstone here). Crystal Cleansing: This stone can be cleansed and discharged of negative energy every month after the menstrual cycle is complete. Use method 1 - 3 and method 5 - 7 History: Moonstone K (Al Si3 O8) is a semi-translucent stone that is made of albite and orthoclase feldspar. The Arab countries would offer moonstone to large families to encourage fertility. To this day it is sown into womens night gowns or given to carry in their front pockets to promote fertility and smooth menstrual flow. The Chinese culture uses moonstone to balance the power of yin and yang for better health. The Romans saw moonstone as holding the image of the Goddess Diana, allowing its rule over the moon, mother and unconditional love!! The Romans used this stone to make beautiful jewelry, most often in cabochon form.
Posted on: Tue, 03 Dec 2013 05:58:06 +0000

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