ORGANIC FARMING VIS-À-VIS CATTLE FARMING INTRUMENTAL FOR MAKING SIKKIM FULLY ORGANIC STATE JIWAN SHARMA MEANING Organic farming or Organic Agricultural process is a holistic production management system which emphasizes on higher plane the basis of promotion of agro-eco system, health of living being existing in this earth, bio-diversity of nature, nutrient biological cycle, and soil microbial & bio-chemical activities. In the basic principle of organic farming chemical fertilizer are replaced by microbial nutrient givers like algae, fungi, bacteria, micorhiza and actinomycetes: The principle, further, emphasizes on biological pest management system wherein process of using the natural predators of pests like birds and parasites instead of chemical pesticides. It is further emphasizes on composting, green manuring, crop rotation, mixed cropping, bird perches and trap crops etc. Organic manures covers manure made from cattle dung, excreta of other animals, rural and urban compost, other animal waste, crop residue and green manure. These are principle ingredients needed for improving the fertility and productivity of soils. Most of the farmers who are conscious to take up organic farming choose to use farmland manure because it is common available. Other advantages are its ability to improve the soil, tilth and aeration, increase water holding capacity of the soil and stimulate the activities of micro organism that make plant food elements in soil. Composting is the process of reducing natural waste to a quickly utilizable condition. This is done through the action of the micro organism on the waste. These wastes may include leaves, roots, stubbles, crop residue, straw, hedge clipping, weeds, water hyacinth, saw dust, kitchen waste and human habitation wastes. These wastes materials undergo intensive decomposition under medium high temperature in heap or pits with adequate moisture for around 3-6 months. The finished compost is an amorphous, brown to dark brown mix of humified material. HISTORY: ORGANIC FARMING Organic farming is in practice since thousands of years. In earlier days entire agriculture was practiced using organic techniques, where all ingredients requirement of organic farming were obtained from plant & animal products. In ancient time organic farming was the backbone of their economy. The main support of then organic farming was cow or cattle farming which not only provided economic generation but also was projected as basis of organic farming as the cow dung was principle factor contributing to organic farming. The shift from then organic farming practice to present days inorganic practice was mainly due to ever increasing population during the decades of 50s and several natural calamities resulting crisis/ scarcity of food grains in the country. This, further, results in enhanced focus on food-grains production, import of hybrid variety of seeds, formulation of desirable package of practices demanding induction of chemically generated fertilizer. The above enhanced focus on agricultural production resulted in compelled shift from organically agro-production practice to present days practice of agricultural pattern. This also replaced earlier adopted method of natural pest control management system to present days system of pest control by using chemically formulated pesticides, germicides etc. IMPACT ON SHIFT OF AGRICULTURAL PATTERN. Due to advent of chemical fertilizer, pesticides, germicides, the agricultural production scenario had gained substantial boost where proper package of practices were followed. Whereas in least developed states where agricultural production were still practiced in subsistence type and not on commercial type, the impact was very adverse & not repairable. Our state also realized this adverse impact on agro-production practices and our many of the important crop industry undergone devastating stage and same is still not fully repaired. Apart from the above, the following impact was still being felt: Negative impact on environment, soil, water and local terrestrial and aquatic life. Impact on diverse ecosystem- population of plant and insects as well as animals. PRESENT DAYS THRUST OF ORGANIC FARMING IN SIKKIM. Perhaps, Sikkim could be one of the first States in the country to fully advocate and campaigner of the concept of organic farming. The initiation of the concept of organic farming was also seen in some of the other Indian states but not to the extent of fully organic state. The proposition of government is welcoming as the organic farming practices not only overcome overall problems created out of inorganic farming in its bio-diversity, ecosystem, environment, soil, water and local terrestrial and aquatic life but also proposes to make agricultural production industry as one of the most viable industry as per present days thrust of organic produce. The organic produce is in demand worldwide due to its natural production process, free of toxic elements and happening phenomena of health consciousness. To, further, materialize the basic objective of making Sikkim a fully organic state the following aspects are highlighted as these will not only helps in making Sikkim a fully organic state by year-marked 2015 but also helps to make every farmers a scientific farmers generating their own income for their sustenance by minimal investment but also contributing a lot in the process of making Sikkim a fully organic State. All progressive farmers may be selected having a sizeable cultivable land or even fallow land. Each farmer should undergo training for scientific cattle rearing techniques; the cattle waste management system such as conversion of green waste into green manure by making green manure compost pit. The farmers should undergo training for manufacturing of vermin compost unit as the cattle waste can be explored for vermin compost manufacturing process. The farmer should explore the possibility of liquid compost making out of the liquid waste of the cattle. The farmer can explore possibility of making bio-pesticides out of the liquid waste of the cattle. If farmers cannot take up the above aspects individually, the community based initiative in clustered basis can be explored. The consequential benefit of the community based exploration of cattle farming can prove more beneficial in the following aspects. The cattle farming can boost milk production thereby economic generation of farmers. The cattle waste can be utilized, further, for the following. Setting up to bio-gas plant, if the economic sizes are worked out then it can prove boon to farmers for their electricity need, cooking need etc and curtail their monthly expenditure. Setting up of green manure compost pit on commercial scale. Setting up of vermin compost unit on commercial basis. Setting up of bio-pesticides unit out of liquid waste of cattle. The Organic food processing unit once the sizeable organic produce is harvested. Apart from the above gains to farmers individually or in group the basic thrust of the State to make fully organic state can be materialized as the every farmers will have sufficient quantity of organic manure, organic pesticides etc to replace inorganically generated fertilizer, pesticides with the following economic generation activities as below; Organic farming can emerge as on commercial basis out of the various types of products/manures manufactured out of the cattle farming. The fully equipped organic produce processing or packaging unit. The organic certification unit. The farmers can take up commercial bee-keeping unit. Organic medicinal farming. Setting up of leather industry, bone meal manufacturing unit etc. The above are the few aspects which will not only prove boon to farmers for their economic generation but also helps, thereby, making every farmer scientific farmers earning their own sustenance. If proper strategic planning is done, it also helps a lot in making Sikkim a fully organic state within a stipulated time frame as the availability of green manure/vermin compost/liquid bio-pesticides etc will be in abundance and the same will replace the commercially manufactured manures/pesticides. The availability of organic manure will make every farmer capable of producing their choice organic produce which will not only suffice requirement of the State but also segregated for marketing outside of the State or export. Its more compelling than ever to give a thought to this as we still live in the nation where cow is worshiped for its various aspects since time im-memorial. Why not we join hand together and give impetus to Economic cattle farming thereby to achieve the vary objectives of making Sikkim fully organic state by 2015. ***************
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 03:44:26 +0000

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