ORIENTATION # 728 : WISDOM MUST REMAIN IRRELEVANT __________________________________ Whats the purpose to search for tips aimed to get the beauty of the flower so to admire it .. instead than wholly understand the reasons why that flower doesnt grow where it is supposed to grow ? Doesnt it sound as silly ? There is no measure of wisdom as long psychological confusion in not entirely decrypted: all attempts to define or even to reach wisdom are merely immature. The confused conceptualization of wisdom itself, as well, is totally messed up: first of all a wise speech doesnt necessarily make the thinker intelligent; it can only impress the listeners therefore the listeners should inquire in the very reason why they get impressed the cause of this is certainly no wisdom but rather the stimulation of those thoughts toward and about which they never thought about. The current definition of wisdom is entirely based on the Hippocratess philosophical formula sophronisteres, which basically means prudent, self-controlled.. This acceptation can be valid only if applied to the technical/logical/practical aspect of living : For example : I have to drive there and I must be prudent, as well I have to control my practicality, my map, the way how to drive properly, the mnemonic map so to achieve my destination safely and avoiding useless circumstances in which I might get lost: thats logical control: its tangibly required.. But psychologically, how can the mind think freely where there is control ? It is not wisdom whats important, but rather confusionism.. If one wholly understand his or her own and whole industry of psychological confusion, then wisdom, whatever it is, will come automatically as like the sun always comes at the beginning of the dawn.. Wisdom, whatever it is, whether ambition or wish, meditation or intellectual speculations, implies the germination of the act of searching, existential searching, which sets the mind concentrated, indeed (as the word itself suggests) : self-controlled.. When ones mind is concentrated, then to that mind everything that is out of the range of its concentration becomes merely distraction .. therefore if the concentration, the search of wisdom requires, is the end of fear, then the whole reality becomes distraction, inwardly and outwardly, and the very act of searching becomes whats relevant the most : thats blindness; running to stand still.. psychological immobility.. Indeed the proliferation of wise and bombastic conceptualizations whatever they are, doesnt make such proliferating mind wise, as well it creates blind followers .. Attentive understanding, which is r-evolutionary intelligence at work, denies all acts of searching .. therefore understanding had nothing to do with wisdom .. As long people will search for wisdom what they all will receive will always be the result of imitation, therefore everlasting confusion.. Wisdom is absolutely irrelevant.. and so is each act of seeking for the irrelevance of it, which, by the way, turns so often into pettiness.. It is not wisdom to be important, but rather our own confusionism... ______________________________________ endoffear.weebly/ jessicamystic
Posted on: Mon, 07 Apr 2014 02:53:33 +0000

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