ORUBEBE,A MISTAKE THAT NEVER WAS IN DELTA STATE! It is no longer a secret that Elder Godsday Orubebe was unceremoniously sacked from office as Minister for his blatant disregard for Mr. Presidents directive against campaining while in office and his gross incompetence in dealing with the construction of the East-West road which had nothing to show for the huge FG funds allocated to the project! This inability to manage a common ministry by Elder Orubebe has questioned his pursuit to want to manage a state! This Orubebes incompetence in management skills has been brought to the attention of the general public once again,as it is now evident that he cannot handle his social media outfit or stop the hatred and in-fighting raging at fever pitch amongst his team and fast becoming a free for all headed by his newly appointed Media/Communications director of his Campaign Organisation and self acclaimed mad woman of the online community in Delta state,one @Augusta Akusu-Ossai who has been running naked in the market square since the N15m scandal that rocked Orubebes media team and saw series of resignations from @Mary @Uboh @Alex et al. May i take the liberty to paste what this mad woman said today about @Mary the former Media & Communications Director of Orubebe Campaign Organisation: ...eyaaaaaaaaa is for those who claim to be lawyers but did not go to law school....they claim to be advisers to GEJ but actually end up with drivers in the system assaulting them because the drivers know they are nothing , they claim to be widows just because they are abandoned by men who can no longer stand them! .....make I go On? Eyaaaaaaaaa...i dey Laf!-Augusta Akusu-Ossai. Where is Elder Orubebe when this woman is putting his 2015 ambition in harms way,insulting everybody in the state without regards for authority and operating a campaign without any rules of engagements? Cant Elder Orubebe call his attack-dog to order or should we take it that she is working/acting under directive from Orubebe himself to paint the social media red and insult every personality in the state?! Again we see how Orubebe cannot handle the affairs of a common social media outfit that is falling apart under his nose. Delta state is definitely too big for Orubebe to handle and Deltans see his 2015 bid as not only trying to build castles in the air,but as a WHIT ELEPHANT project that is DEAD ON ARRIVAL! Elder Godsday Orubebe,please first take care of your house before you dear to take care of the affairs of a state like Delta! Shin ya Eye!
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 15:31:02 +0000

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